A rose by any other name?

I keep tossing and turning in bed again though I feel so exhausted and worn out. I got bored counting the cottony sheep, and I ended up wondering about my name. My given name… my real given name is Elizabeth. And I’m called by many names.

They called me Ellie, Elizabeth and they call me Eliza, Ella, Liz, Liza, Lizzie, Izzy, Lizard and not to mention ‘Little Bird’ and ‘Ladybird’ (younger children usually call me that, cuz they can’t pronounce my name… I find it rather cute, really)… but why nobody ever calls me ‘Beth’? Gosh… all of my life, nobody ever calls me ‘Beth’ though it’s also a variation of my name. Strange… very strange…

Ah well… a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. It matters not I guess, for these days, I responded more to ‘Honey’, ‘Mummy’, ‘Auntie’, ‘Teacher’,’Clef’ and ‘Fairy’. *FAINT* My dad would probably mourn if he knows about this… all of the troubles he went through and gave me a Queen’s name… but in the end… there’s hardly anybody around who calls me that.

Cleffairy: Elizabeth…Ellie, Ella, Eliza, Lizzie, Izzy…. and Beth?


  1. Bananazஇ says:

    Hi Beth, think using this will also give you tons of other names Berth, Birth, Bird haha. Got a Chinese friend named Elizabeth who went to see a Chinese physician and they gave her a Chinese name is..guess what??? ” YÄ« lì shā bái ” lit. one grain sand white. Guess what she is stuck with this Chinese name now.

    • Cleffairy says:

      Too late… ppl oredi call me Little Bird…wished the kids in school back then had thought to call me that, at least it sounded better than ‘Lizard’ LMAO.

  2. Bananazஇ says:

    Hi Beth, think using this will also give you tons of other names Berth, Birth, Bird haha. Got a Chinese friend named Elizabeth who went to see a Chinese physician and they gave her a Chinese name is..guess what??? ” Yī lì shā bái ” lit. one grain sand white. Guess what she is stuck with this Chinese name now.

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