Goddammit, mind your own business, will you, bitches?


Those who do not like or easily offended by vulgarities, kindly leave this page. My bloody famous temper is flaring and I need a medium to vent without doing actual physical damage. I am writing this for the sake of my own sanity and a form of way to de-stress myself. So I am sorry if I offend any of my readers out there.

Here goes nothing. One thing about me is that I AM A BLOODY VENGEFUL person. Apart from being unforgiving, I am also a very private kind of person. You guys may be wondering what in the name of the goddamn hell I’m talking about, right? You guys have been reading my writing on sex and stuff pretty much openly without sparing anyone’s blushes, and those are the kind of thing that’s considered ‘open’, right? Well… let me put it this way. I may write articles about sex and discussion of that sort easily. I may discuss about relationship and parenting through my writing easily as well. BUT THINGS DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY IN REAL LIFE.

I am a very private and confidential person, and I will only discuss my fucking sex life and relationship as well as marriage only with my other half, and not any bloody bitchy in laws, aunties, sisters or even friends, period. Sex life, family planning and how I raise my brats is none of ANY BITCHES concern, so kindly butt out. Mark this up. I do not fucking care if you’re my relative, my parents, my in laws, whoever you are ,discussion on my sex life, contraception and whatnot, is none of your concern. And it is no bloody concern of yours on where I should live my life and where I should buy my freaking house. So stop being a bitch and mind your own stinking panties.

It’s a tragedy enough that my life is full of hypocrite backstabber and people who betray each other on daily basis, and to add a nasty smelling poop on the top, I’ve been forced to endure a chit chat session on my life behind closed doors? And you bitches wouldn’t let me off even if hint to you clearly that I loathe people meddling with my personal affairs?

Clearly, you bitches do not get fucked thoroughly enough by your men that you resorted to trying to sniff up my panties and other people’s thongs! I have a suggestion for you bitches who claim that you ‘care’ and ‘concern’ for me and my family’s well being.

Why don’t you get a dildo from a freaking sex toy store, shove it into your smelly pussy and fuck yourself silly? Better than minding my personal affairs, isn’t it? At least you’ll be getting some shitty orgasm instead of earning my wrath! Once I got pissed with someone that I was rather fond of, that particular bitch in question will not be in my good books ever again. And it doesn’t matter if the bitch in question is a hell lot older than me.

I’ve always despise hypocrite people who are two faced bitches. And I loathe people who use other people who are older than them and use them to ‘advice’ me. Can’t you please have more balls? If you want to ask or advice me on something, why can’t you do it yourself but ask someone else whom you thought is in my good books and I’d listen to instead? Who are you trying to kid? I live in a damn world where I trust no one.

YES, GEDDIT? I TRUST NO ONE! And that would literally translate that I’m also a hardheaded bitch who listen to no one’s words or advice or tolerate intervention. Frankly speaking, I am the kind who tolerate no nonsense in terms of invasion of privacy. So do you think that your cheap strategy on getting people whom you think i respect to give me talks will work? In your dreams, bitches!

This is not the matter of who eat more salt than rice, but this is a matter of privacy. You people should learn how to respect that. Go and take care of your goddamn children instead of meddling on other people’s affair, please. I am sure your kids have some stinking stories to tell. go and give them your ‘care’ and ‘concern’ before they end up being a bitch like you, will you?

Cleffairy: I notice that women who do not get fucked by their husband or satisfied accordingly will seek ways to intervene with other people’s affair, and they, without a doubt enjoy playing the role of desperate housewives who sell other people’s stories and gossip on the street for their own pleasure. These kind of people pretend to care, but the actual fact is, they enjoy badmouthing people and ruining other’s reputation. What’s more, they are very domineering. What a whore!


  1. jen says:

    life will be more beautiful if some ppl know how to mind their own business. chill for the weekend is here & have a nice one =)

  2. fufu says:

    why you always have such problems huuh??
    and why the people i have been meeting all nice??
    not fair…i wanna see those 2faced bitches…those bastards…. etc… =p

  3. BlurryLeo says:

    That is one exploding middle finger u got there LOL. To be honest, I really find this interesting : “I notice that women who do not get fucked by their husband or satisfied accordingly will seek ways to intervene with other people’s affair” .. is it true? Just curious if a woman’s mind actually works that way. I think can I go around asking those ‘sam ku lok por’ (busy bodies) .. “are you thoroughly fucked?” .. hahahaha. Chill clef. Have a nice day 🙂

  4. kimberlymay says:

    Some people are just plain curious and love to meddle with other people’s affairs. Just don’t give them the opportunity to ask more. I often brushed them off if I had to. Saves me plenty of trouble and my saliva as well. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better! *hugz*

  5. stephy-nie says:

    wow clef, that’s some flare going on. anyway, just relax la.. these people like it or not are always popping into our lives, like it or not. no use getting so pissed off by these people..

    chill chill..

  6. Debbie Englishman says:

    People are not obligated to others; telling someone to mind
    their own business is the best way to get rid of them altogether
    especially when you don’t know them! Being who say nothing
    are passive individuals and don’t respect their human rights.
    It is empowering to tell someone to mind their own business,
    it can’t be any more clear!!!

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