

Heyya folks, it’s Meow Meow again and I am really unhappy with Mummy these few days. She not only hijacked the remote control while I was watching my favourite cartoon ‘Lilo and Stitch the series’ the other day, but she also go banshee on everybody whenever somebody turns on the TV. SOBSOB!

This is all big brother’s fault. He’s been lazy, been disobedient and been misbehaving ever since he found out that we are going back to papa’s hometown. He was at his worst behaviour and as a result, it strike mummy’s nerve and she grounded everyone from watching the tv. She threatens to throw away the tv if anyone dares to turn it on and said nobody will be watching anything until big brother starts behaving and stop being such a lazy bum bum again.

Sobs! I’m innocent! I did nothing wrong! Why can’t I watch tv? 🙁 Will someone please tell mummy to let me watch tv again?

Meow Meow: Sometimes, people don’t realize that their action will affect others negatively. And we should all always remember that certain privillages can be taken away from us easily.


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