May I have this dance? Waltz with me?

I was pissed off earlier with the news where a bloody police head discourage people from singing national anthem in his statement. It’s depressing for me to think that there are people who think that national anthem should not be respected and be sang freely by Malaysian citizens, but I am feeling rather romantic at the moment though I have no idea what’s so romantic about not being able to sleep and still awake at 5am. November is a bit of hell for me with the Nano thingie going on. So, bitching aside, and romantic stuff comes to mind.

I was thinking about a particular dance as I wrote for one of my NaNoWriMo chapter scene, which is waltz. So, I’m letting my mood rule for a while as I take a short break from writing dangerously.

For those who’s wishing to romance their partner or spouse, here’s how to waltz. A courtesy of a friend of mine, whom I know from an online game. Tango would be spicier and more sexy, however, Tango is more complicated, I could not Tango even if my life is at stake. Attempting any other dances would make me feel like I have two left feet. Waltz is fine, though. I used to dance with my husband, but these days we simply could not find time to do so. *growl*


123 Left Closed Change
123 456 Natural Turn
123 Right Closed Change
123 456 Reverse Turn
123 Whisk
12&3 Chasse from Promenade Position
123 Natural Turn
456 Natural Spin Turn
456 Reverse Turn

Waltz : Box Basic

Practice making a anti-clockwise box by doing A and B alternately :-

A1 Step forward on left foot.
Rest weight on left foot.
A2 Bring right foot under the right hip and push out to the right side and
stand at shoulder apart. The foot makes a curve L-movement.
Rest weight on right foot.
A3 Draw left foot closer to the right foot.
Rest weight on left foot.

B1 Step backwards on right foot.
Rest weight on right foot.
B2 Bring left foot under the left hip and push out the the left side and
stand at shoulder apart. The foot makes a curve L-movement.
Rest weight on left foot.
B3 Draw right foot closer to the left foot.
Rest weight on right foot.

Practice making a clockwise box by doing C and D alternately :-

C1 Step forward on right foot.
Rest weight on right foot.
C2 Bring left foot under the left hip and push out the the left side and
stand at shoulder apart. The foot makes a curve L-movement.
Rest weight on left foot.
C3 Draw right foot closer to the left foot.
Rest weight on right foot.

D1 Step backwards with left foot.
Rest weight on left foot.
D2 Bring right foot under the right hip and push out to the right side and
stand at shoulder apart. The foot makes a curve L-movement.
Rest weight on right foot.
D3 Draw left foot closer to the right foot.
Rest weight on left foot.

Practice making a anti-clockwise box by doing A and B alternately.
Practice making a clockwise box by doing C and D alternately.

Practice moving continuously forward by doing A and C alternately.
Practice moving continuously backward by doing B and D alternately.

To get a clear picture of what I’m talking about, see the video below

Ladies and gentlemen, Waltz originates from Austria.In Austria, peasant dances to every now and then in their free times. The pheasants called the dance as ‘landlers’, and it existed as far back as the Middle Ages. They were popular at weddings, christenings, and folk festivals. The landler is still popular as a folk dance in many sections of Austria and neighboring countries.

Enter the French Revolution, the elaborate dance styles of the French court had dominated all of Europe. At the end of the French Revolution,Austria became one of the focal point of European musical and literary culture as interest in ther native dances, music and culture increased, and the landler moved from the rural areas the drawing rooms of the elite, where it underwent considerable refinement and polishing. The name was changed to walzer, which means or signify gliding.

Not much later, the name is changed into waltz.The waltz was the first dance to use the intimate position for an extended period of time during the dance, and because of this it was subjected to severe criticism and condemnation by the church authorities back then. In many areas, the waltz was banned from public ballrooms for many years.

As time passed by, the popularity of waltz overcame the protest and it’s now accepted in many countries as a formal ballroom dance. And so, my precious readers, that’s just about it about waltz. If you know anymore history about waltz, do drop a line for me.I really would love to know.


Cleffairy:Here’s a poem for you, ladies and gentlemen:

Stars shine brilliantly in the night,

So take her hand and dance with delight,

Stay true to to your heart,

So that you won’t be torn apart.


  1. eugene says:

    ya, u remind me of those years when i was in a dance group, performing in public, jazz, latin and not so much of ballroom. i love dancing, i had a dance partner, fell in love with her(that’s what body contact can do, it creates chemistry), we partnered for 3 years, parted, and didnt pursue dancing since.

    have been wanting to dance again, but my wife is not keen, so that remains another wishful thinking of mine

  2. cleffairy says:

    Eugene… whoa, you can dance? WOW… that’s HAWT! Can you do salsa? LOL…you’re right about dancing and body contact, they do create strong emotions and attachment to you dancing partner. I have been wanting to dance again too…*glares at particular someone* but like you, this remains another wishful thinking.

    ps: nvm la, Eugene, as long as can ‘dance’ in bed with your wife…beats dancing in public. LMAO…. πŸ˜›

  3. calvin says:

    eugene dancing?? bro, you’ve gotto youtube your video, share with everyone.

    me? dancing? if you want to have your toes flattened, then by all means. my mum was a champ with my dad years ago. got trophies to prove it. i think she dances tango and waltz. i personally llike tango. that way, you can touch the ladies behind and they wont slap you….hahahaha. im such a pervert !!!!

  4. cleffairy says:

    kilmytatiana… pssss… I tell you a secret… I used to waltz with a mop… LMAO… aiya, so embarrassing! Ahahahaha….

    Calvin, aiyo! So pervert…. but den again horr… nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai… lmaooo… sure you got naughty somewhere that makes Rachel loves you. πŸ˜›

    Pete… cha cha cha? LOL…dun do breakdancing can liao…. later break you neck ahh, cannot cook. πŸ˜›

  5. angie says:

    i wish i can dance too…coz dance can help to build good figure but i am too shy to do so and no one accompany me..silly,right.
    thanks for your comments n visiting.

  6. cleffairy says:

    Chris,you got two left feet too ah, LOL…. πŸ˜›

    Angie… hi, welcome to my blog. πŸ˜€ Dance can help build good figure? I have no idea, actually… lol…I just feel that’s a fun activity to do with your bf/husband. LOL… kinda romantic…but trust me, I can’t really dance…my dance steps are all messed up. πŸ™

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