Santai Teh Tarik Tourism: Culture and Heritage Tourism

In my previous blog post I’ve written about ‘Voluntourism PUSPANITA IM4U program at Pantai Bagan Lalang, Sepang, Selangor where my family and I had the privileges to partake in the program first hand. It is not easy to keep the environment clean and green, hence, from that day onwards I stopped taking things for granted. Anyway, as mentioned in my previous blog post, we were also brought to โ€˜Voluntourism PUSPANITA IM4U event place at Pantai Bagan Lalang.

There’s plenty of interesting things going on. One in particular is the Santai Teh Tarik Tourism. Initially, I thought it was merely a ‘teh tarik’ session where you can discuss all things related to tourism and travel, but I was wrong. It was more than just mere table talk session.

There is also an ongoing festival that showcased all things related to Malaysian heritage and culture.

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Santai Teh Tarik Tourism in session. I was told that it’s actually an event, or rather series of tour where each Santai Teh Tarik tourism is held at different interesting tourist attractions in Malaysia. Discussion topic or theme is different every time. The previous edition that my family and I went to was Santai Teh Tarik Tourism: Culture& Heritage Tourism. The discussions was of course, all things related to traveling to domestic attractions that is rich in culture and heritage.

Apart from the Teh Tarik Tourism, there’s plenty of things going on there too.

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Musical performance by school children

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Friends from Tourism Malaysia Selangor. They were responsible for manning the Tourism Malaysia Selangor booth. Note to readers: Approach them if you ever spot them at any events. They have plenty to share with you, especially attractive places in Selangor. And oh, they are generous too. They usually handout magazines, brochures, tourism swags, magnets and badges and many more to the public as an initiative to promote domestic travel.

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Pebble painting. Lovely, don’t you think?

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Batik painting for children

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Aborigin craft making demo

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Pretty artworks and origami.

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Cupcake making and decorating

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Delicious cupcakes

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Dodol making in progress.

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Dodol is a sweet toffee-like confection, popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Burma. It is made with coconut milk, jaggery, and rice flour, and is sticky, thick and sweet.

In Muslim majority countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia, Dodol is commonly served during festivals such as Aidilfitri and Aidiladha as sweet treats for children. People take pride in making homemade dodol during the Aidilfitri, where family members or community will gather together to make Dodol.

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Distributing Dodol to the public. If you haven’t had the opportunity to try this traditional delicacy, make sure to try it soon. I dare say that it’s worth your calories.

The event place was actually scorching hot and I did not managed to visit all participating booths because I was already feeling so worn after walking halfway. These are only a part of the things being showcased to the public.

A huge fan of all things cultural, I sure hope to be able to see more things like this in the nearest future and perhaps, next time I’ll be able to share more. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Pooja Kawatra says:

    Love the art and craft it is so beautiful and with so much efforts. Dodol sounds interesting though i havent tried it yet in singapore also.. Is it called something different here.

  2. Sharynn Ling says:

    aww, i love the art activities. especially the aborigin craft. hope to have chance next time to learn from their culture. always being humble to learn new things, knowldege never ends <3

  3. sherry says:

    the fun art and batik painting for children, it’s good time for children to be creative and painting their favourite color on their master piece. I love batik painting too.

  4. siennylovesdrawing says:

    wow! so much fun activities…peddles painting, batik painting…etc..only for kids? If I was there, definitely I will be disappointed if they do not allow me to participate all the art related activities….ha…ha…
    Cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing

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