Easy-Peasy Spinach Tofu Soup


Weekend is the only time where my family and I could really, really eat together these days. While I love eating out more than anything, I feel like it’s quite costly and not exactly worth the money. Plus…the hubby is out most of the time during the weekdays so I figure he’s kinda sick of eating out and eating at home is much a better option for him.

So these days, I make a point to try and cook some simple meal during the weekend for my family to enjoy. So far so good. Nobody’s poisoned yet.

This is what I cooked last week for my family; easy peasy spinach-tofu soup. It’s very simple and won’t even take up more than your 10 minutes.


A few handfuls of baby spinach

Chopped garlic

Any kind of tofu( I used tofu-pok)

Oyster mushrooms


Salt to taste

Here’s how I do it:

Sautee the baby spinach with some chopped garlic. Add in water, tofu pok and osyter mushrooms and let it simmer for about 3 minutes. Dish out into a bowl and serve immediately. Goes well with steamed rice and noodles.

Cleffairy: Cooking fairy?


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