512 Studio Theme Photoshoot: Japan Sakura

For those who knew me since 5 years back, you would probably know that I used to be someone who just worked behind the scenes. I lay low and never exactly made myself known. I used to be camera shy to the point that hide away from it whenever it is pointed towards me, but these days, not anymore. I have come to realize that regardless of how I try to guard my privacy, people will still hunt me down, and since I’m no longer given privilege for privacy, I decided to just revel in all the glamour or unglamourous things that exposing myself has to offer. After all, life is an adventure and what’s abit of danger?

As I’ve reiterate earlier, I worked behind the scene most of the time although I am no longer anonymous. I’m a writer, and occassionally a photographer as well. Being a foodie and traveler, I take photos of food and my travels mostly, and of course, I do coverage for events and news. I write okay (I hope), and I am a mediocre photographer who aspire to be a good one.

I’ve worked with plenty of photographers. Behind the lense as a photographer myself, and in front of the lense as a model. I am 33 years old as of writing. I have done quite a few modeling job since I turned 30. At first it was just for fun and something I enjoyed, but I come to realize that you can learn quite a few things as a model, something you don’t really get to learn when you are behind the lense. As a photographer, I am in charge of the scene and the situation before me, but as a model, I have to relinguish control and listen to instructions and assert patience, something that is really difficult for me as I’m usually in charge of things, not the other way around.

A question. What makes a great photographer? I used to think that a good photographer is someone who take wonderful pictures or someone who captures beautiful portraits. And on a personal level, I aspire to produce perfect pictures myself. But after being a model myself, I come to realize that a good photographer is easy to come by but great one who not only captures the essense of their subjects well but treat them with respect and compassion as well is really hard to come by.

I’ve had misfortune of working with nasty photographers who lacks patience and tells me off about the way I pose and I should do better next time even when I am not their model. But lucky me, my most recent modeling experience at 512 Studio during Sakura Theme Photoshoot was a rather pleasant one. Aside from Adam, my husband who is also a photographer, I’ve had privilege to work with Dylan Yap and How. Both are not just good phorographer, but great ones. They are not only creative and versatile in directing but very patient, kind and considerate as well. I would work with them again in a heartbeat, given the opportunity.

Here’s sharing with you their masterpieces:

Photographs by Dylan Yap;






Dylan has captured the feminine side of me. Not an easy feat as I’m not exactly someone who is all graceful. I can do fierce, and occassionally cute, yes. But never these kind of pose that’s full of gentleness. He made me feel and look like a Hime-sama, or in English, a Japanese Princess both during and after the photoshoot. Dylan Yap is easy to work with and if you are looking for a photographer who produce romantic pictures, then he is the one you should look for.

Photographs by How



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As a Photographer, How has captured me as an enigma and someone mysterious. He is not afraid of breaking the norm and is very creative in directing his model. He is someone you might want to look for should you want to shoot something that is out of the box and if you are not afraid of being challenged to do something new.

Photographs by Adam Lau
























When it comes to posing, I’m of course more comfortable with Adam, as our relationship is not just a photographer and a model but husband and wife. However, as comfortable as I am posing for him, he is a tough taskmaster and quite a challenge to work with. Regardless, if I were to comment on his work, I’d say he sometimes prefers peculiar, not your usual portrait shooting kinda thing. Here, he captured me as a warrior beneath the surface of a gentle woman. And I think I quite like the outcome of the photos that he took during our Sakura photoshoot session at 512 Studio.

All of these photos are very individual. Each photpgraphers have their own style of capturing the picture of their subject and their own way of working. I certainly learned alot from this session. Hopefully, this will not be the last session with all three of them.

All of these pictures were taken at 512 Studio. They have plenty of themes studio themes for rent. Should you are interested in renting the studio for photoshoot or videoshoot whatsover, please contact 512 Studio HERE for the rental rates and information.

Ps: My makeup was done by Ms.Osa Lim. If you think I look good in all these pictures, please compliment Ms.Osa and all my photographers. They worked really hard to make me look pretty.

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