This is another one of those books that I tossed into the shopping box during my latest book hunt at the Big Bad Wolf Sale. I used to read Christopher Pike’s books as a teenager, and I thought perhaps I should revisit my yesteryears a little bit by buying this book.
Chain Letter (Book 1) by Christopher Pike does not disappoint. Everything I like about mystery is there. I mean, I love how the story started; where a bunch of teenagers did something that will haunt them for the rest of their lives later on. I like how they buried a dead man in the dessert and decides to zipped up, and then, BOOM, somebody knows their dirty deeds and sends them a chain letter, instructing them do to things that will either humiliate themselves or they will be hurt by the sender.
Chain Letter (Book 1) is pretty impressive. I couldn’t guess who was the sender of the chain letter until the very end. the storyline unfolds perfectly, but I can’t exactly say the same with Chain Letter (Book2). ‘Chained Letter’ should have been left a standalone book. First book was all mystery and rational logic but second book ventured into serious paranormal and horror plus plenty of sexual reference? That did not exactly sit well with me. It should have been ok if it was paranormal in the beginning. I find it difficult to stomach, and I did not exactly like the ending of book 2. There’s too many questions left unanswered.
Overall, this is not really a bad book, but I really would have preferred if Chain Letter ended at book 1. I rate 4 stars for the first book, and a 2 star for the second.
ooo his book is good ah? Alamak…baru helped CC donated a whole bunch to the bookexchange..ingat u tak mau. this sunday mau pigi the book exvahnge ka? If yes tunggu me at subang jaya LRT
this coming exvhange is the final one….very fun…got activities