Collagen Drink for Health and Beauty, Sakura Collagen+

It’ll be a huge lie if I say the endless lockdown is not affecting me mentally and physically. I’m not sure how it’s like for everyone else, but the endless lockdowns in Malaysia and a whole long list of restrictions does affect me terribly, considering how active a person I was during the pre-Covid era. Living in uncertainties and being under ‘home arrest’ does not sit well with me.

I threaded the so called ‘new normal’ battling with depression as well as severe panic and anxiety attacks whenever I see bad news floating around on my social media’s timelines.

I lived in a very dark place for quite some time. I lived in a limbo and it is not until February 2021 that I started to slowly reclaimed my life. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought how awful I have become and how disgusting it is that I just live my life by doing merely these; eat- watch dramas- sleep- repeat. And how stupid I have been living my life by just doing the same thing over and over again daily and having no progress at all where it matters.

I decided that living such a life will destroy me both mentally and physically and I have to do something about it, and I did. I was determined to live an active and a healthier lifestyle even under a lockdown and emerge a healthier person before Covid19 strike.

I took baby steps in reclaiming my life by continuing to continue my scuba diving education by taking up dry specialties even though diving is still not allowed yet and I decided to take up martial arts to boost my stamina and my confidence. My choice of practice; Taichi and Qigong. It’s a gentle energy art that actually helps in slowly boosting your stamina.

Here’s yours truly after about 6 month of Taichi and Qigong practice.

Yes, I took it further by learning how to use weapons too.

Me practising Fan Taichi move

Here’s me and my Sabre.

Sword practice is also a part of the Taichi class’s lesson and it’s one of my favourite weapons among all to practice as it helps me to dispel negative energy and helps me de-stress effectively.

A friend recently commented that I looked good in the pictures I’ve shared on my social media. It’s really a nice compliment, but good health takes a lot of efforts, actually. There’s no short cuts about it. Apart from taking care of myself physically, I also watched what I eat. I forgo unhealthy food and choose to consume food grown from plants instead of those made in plants as well. Apart from that, I also supplemented my health with vitamins and collagen.

Here’s one that I’m currently consuming; Sakura Collagen+.

Sakura Collagen+ is a beauty collagen drink that combines exclusive patented ingredients and natural extracts which are sakura extract (prunus lannesiana wils), verisol collagen peptides, tetrasod microalgae, Japanese yuzu seeds, and also roselle extract.

Sakura Collagen+ is also formulated with antioxidant TetraSOD (tetraselmis chuii) from Spain acts as protection from free radical damages on the skin. It is specially formulated to prevent the formation of wrinkles, inhibit melanin production, increase skin collagen content, and lock in moisture.

I’ve been consuming this Sakura Collagen+ for about half a month.

While the effect is not immediate where I cannot see obvious effect within a few days, but it does show quite a promising effect after one week.

My usually flaky skin seems to be more hydrated and smooth to the touch and my hair no longer falls after brushing like I’ve just done a few sessions of chemotherapy. That’s quite a surprise, actually, as I have considerably long hair and my hair always falls after brushing them.

Another thing to note that after consuming Sakura Collagen+ for about two weeks, there’s noticeable difference in my bowel movements as well. I no longer suffer from constipation and my energy level seems to be top notch, and I can now practice my Qigong and Taichi for 2 hours daily consistently. Not sure if the Sakura Collagen+ boosted my stamina as well or it’s already build up from my constant practice throughout the 6 months, but still, a
yay to that, definitely.

I guess Sakura Collagen+ does not only help me maintain my youthful good looks and healthy skin, but it helps to boost my energy level throughout the day as well. So do I recommend this for all of you out there who wants to maintain a ‘healthier you’? Well, yes. Definitely. I highly recommend this for your daily consumption, regardless of your gender.

For more information on Sakura Collagen+, hop over here:

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