Family Friendly Eco Adventure with Treks in Resorts World Genting: Fashion Forest

Being an Adrenaline junkie who hates staying home, especially on weekends, I enjoy outdoor activities the most. While I hate walking around in the city, the same thing could not be applied to taking a stroll on the beach or jungle trekking.

A couple of weeks back, my family and I went for a leisurely trek in Fashion Forest in Genting Highlands.

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Here’s following our guide, Eddie into the fashion forest.

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The entrance to Fashion Forest is somewhere nearby Awana Longhouse, Resorts World Genting. Fashion Forest is quite a funny name for a forest, don’t you think? Whenever one talk about fashion I will only think of frilly and colourful clothes that models showcase on the runway. But then I was told that it is just a concept where Treks aims to showcase the forest to visitors in a safe and fashionable way.

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Eddie, briefing us about the Fashion Forest.

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Here in Fashion Forest, there are celebrities.

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Or rather, celebritrees. The trees are named after celebrities here in Fashion Forest, and here’s a lovely and sensational one; Mariah Carey.

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And here’s a transformable celebritree, the Optimus Prime Pergola.

Visitor posing at the Santana Stage.

A family with a baby chilling under the Mariah Carey Pergola.

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Eddie telling us that sightings of Hornbills are not uncommon here in Fashion Forest and if we are lucky enough, we’d be able to see one.

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Our guide spotted an area where some orangey fruits are grown, and he told us that the fruit is actually one of Hornbills’ favourite.

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And if you can spot this fruit, you are likely to spot a Hornbill around here.

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Hornbills will crack this fruit open and devour the black seed.

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And here’s the seed that Hornbills will feed on.

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One thing interesting about this Fashion Forest is that there’s WiFi available. Yes. You are reading that right. There’s WiFi available. Which means you can go online and have a social media party while you are trekking in the Fashion Forest. Awesome, isn’t it?But the purpose is not just for you to be glued to your gadget nor merely post your selfies and wefies in your social media accounts while you are spending your time in the forest.WiFi is made available for a purpose. An educational purpose. Treks hopes that technology will help create and spread awareness on the forest’s conservation.

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And as part of the educational bits over here in Fashion Forest, the trees are barcoded.

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You can actually scan the barcodes by using apps on your smartphone and information on the plants or trees in question will appear. Interesting way of learning, I must say.

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Apart from learning about trees by scanning on the barcodes, Treks also take the educational fun to a higher notch by providing barcodes with quizzes in it and you can participate the quiz by scanning the barcodes and answer the questions via whatapps and plenty of surprises awaits you if you managed to hunt down all barcodes with quizzes and answers correctly.

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Visitors participating in the barcode quiz game.

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While the questions are pretty simple, spotting the barcodes can be quite tricky at times if you don’t look closely.

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Sometimes the barcodes are camouflaged by leaf and whatnot.

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Visitors are also given a frame and encouraged to find interesting plant subjects and take a photo via the frame and share it on social media.

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Here’s one of mine.

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A mossy subject. I was told that these moss could glow in the dark.

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Someone spotted this flower and it is definitely a sensational star.

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A visitor taking the opportunity to snap a picture of a plant and share it on her social media account.

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Our little trip to the Fashion Forest is definitely fun and educational one, and who says the jungle is all dark and scary and is only for hardcore adventurers? Here’s one that is beautiful and family friendly. Fashion Forest is a must visit, especially family with young kids. It is a great place to nurture kids into loving nature and conserving them for the next generation.

Treks offers plenty of eco-related programs for people from all walks of life and I’m sure there is something for everyone.

For more information on programmes offered by Treks, go to Treks’s website and Facebook page or please call 03-27181118 or logon to

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