Go on, go on, leave me breathless..

Do you know that all authors are  lunatics? What? You don’t know? Well, they are. Believe me. And do you know what’s worst? They’re also schizoid, but of course… nobody would tell that to their face, because they seems to be normal most of the time. They look like normal people, but their head… gosh…is a complete mess!

I’m an author, and you know what that makes me? A lunatic schizoid who is in charge of her own asylum. But… sometimes…this lunatic lost control over her asylum and they go berserk on her. She found little monsters and scary undead dragons stampeding around pretty often while she’s writing, and sometimes, she don’t know how to put them back in order, because they simply won’t listen to her ranting and mad ravings.

Being an author also means that apart from needing to have a rein on your asylum, you would need to have chemistry with your creation too, or things would never work out between you and your characters. 🙁 As of late, I discovered that I somewhat fell out of love with the main male character and the main female character of my story, and the supporting characters outshine my main character. I can’t connect with my main characters. They became lame and boring, and unresponsive. They make me feel like knocking my own head to the wall. Either that, or shake them til they rattle and talk to me again!

The supporting characters on the other hand became more defined, more strong, more enigmatic and more…romantic, and they seems to be developing a universe of their own and I don’t know how that actually happened, but it happened, and it’s driving me insane and I have to talk about it or someone will get hurt!

Oh God, the supporting characters are taking over the storyline! It’s really getting out of hand, and everything is upside down!

*sobs* I like to write about certain characters, because I feel for them deeply and passionately. They seduced me with their charisma, and they make me want to write more about them.

Some of them really could interact with me… sometimes I could have sworn that the character in question is telling me this :

“Ms. Author, let’s go out on a date, you look so irresistibly beautiful today. By the way, you ought to make me look hotter and give me steamier scenes. Make make me a hero instead of the other wimpy guy. Come now, baby, give me the sword… or a gun, or a weapon of your choice. You know you want to do it.” *slaps forehead*

God, they’re not supposed to be able to do that. I am their creator! They should listen to me and do as I say, not make me do what they want me to do. I created them. I should be able to control them not the other way around. But no… the bloody characters tempt me, tease me and leave me breathless til I could not deny them any longer.

Oh, scroo it! My life is so twisted. Fine. I give up. Have your ways with me, Reeves, you win. I’m your bloody slave, and you get to have a whole novel to yourself with a kingdom laid at your feet, and I’ll make Isabelle Hart your sweetheart too. Would you like me to toss in some sports car too while I’m at it?Grrr. Are you satisfied now? Okay, leave me alone already. GRRR.

Cleffairy: Go on, go on, leave me breathless.Tempt me, tease me, til I can’t deny this…

ps: My only consolation to all of this insanity is that God couldn’t stop Adam and Eve from eating the forbidden apple. If God can’t stop Adam and Eve, what makes me think that I can control my creations? I’m just human. I guess it’s forgivable.


  1. http://cleffairy.com/dating-script/ says: gemini woman dating a libra man

    “Ms. Author, let’s go out on a date, you look so irresistibly beautiful today. By the way, you ought to make me look hotter and give me steamier scenes. Make make me a hero instead of the other wimpy guy. Come now, baby, give me the sword… or a gun, or a weapon of your choice. You know you want to do it.” *slaps forehead*

    this one make me LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Cleffairy says:

      Eh… my husband told me Shakespeare was a gay. But I’m kinda skeptical about it. I mean… he had a wife… Anne Hathaway was his wife.

      There’s an actress…. A Disney actress… the one who played Princess Mia in Princess Diaries… she was named after Shakespeare’s wife.

      Hmm… *horrified* was Shakespeare bisexual???

    • Cleffairy says:

      There’s 2 Anne Hathaways. The original was Shakespeare’s wife… while another… is the one who acted in Princess Diaries. She was named after Shakespeare’s wife.

      Yea… going loon… the characters’ fault.

  2. Christopher says:

    I thought you are writing another erotic article after hinted to me, kena cheated again by jie! Well, I guess most of the creative folks are like you and I’d had to be else work cannot be completed.

  3. Nightwing says:

    Why don;t switch roles? From supporting to main and vice versa…who knows..the former main characters will blossom to fight to be the main characters again…:)

    • Cleffairy says:

      Sigh… that’s exactly what I’m doing right now. Role reversing all the characters. 🙁 *sigh* I didn’t plan this…it turns out to be ok, not bad, but… not really what I expected of myself. Okay… I’ll stop before I sound more ridiculous. LOL.

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