Holistic Remedy with The Traditional Malay Minyak Herba Asma Mujarab

If you have been following my Facebook and Instagram, you would notice that my updates are mostly about my travels and my misadventures with my family. They are mostly sunshines and mostly on positive notes, no?

Well, truth be told. While those things are true, and I seems to have fun most of the time, I do have my downtime and sick days. I’m just human, after all. Human will fall sick every now and then. I am not excluded from this. It’s just that I don’t like to share about it on my social media, but this time around, let me share with you my experience being sick, just before my recent trip to Tioman Island. I had terrible high fever with nasty cough and flu with thick phlegm to add to the equation.

What’s worst about this is that I did not recover despite seeing the doctor and countless pills that I popped during my sick period. Western medication did not work that well on me, I suppose. All it did was knocked me out and made me sleepy throughout the day. And so, seeing that I was racing against time to get well quickly before my trip to Tioman, I decided to give traditional remedy a go. I tried some traditional tonics to help reduce my inner body heat and it works magically.

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Another traditional medicine that was helpful during my sick period was the traditional Malay Minyak Herba Asma Mujarab. It is a holistic, external application remedy to asthma, joint pains, bloated-ness, fatique, cramps and many more.

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In my case, this medicated ointment helps me to breathe better at night upon application on my chest and helps me reduce my nasty headache. My condition improves greatly after using Minyak Herba Asma Mujarab.

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This ointment is also useful in helping small wound heals. My husband obtained this little wound during our snorkeling trip and the ointments helps a lot in the healing process.

Here’s sharing how this medicated ointment is used:

Cough and asthma
Apply generously on the chest and the back, neck and under the chin.

Apply a little on the nose

Rub a little on the forehead

Apply on the aching tooth and cheek

Flatulence and constipation
Apply in the abdomen, waist and feet and calf

Apply the ointment on the wound. But do make sure the wound is already dry.

Venomous stings, bumps, bruises and sore muscles
Apply on affected areas

Apply on the forehead and neck

Low back pain and muscle aches
Apply ointment on places that aches

Apply at the lower abdomen.

Menstrual pain
Apply on the lower abdomen

For more information on Minyak Herba Asma Mujarab, please refer to the information below:

Website: https://herbaasma.com 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PenawarSemputLelahDanAsma

Contact:  En. Hafis 013 480 6787 (Marketing)
 Puan Nurul : 017 6239935 (Product Owner)  

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