Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half

Review: Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half with America’s Cheapest Family (Advanced Reading Copy) Includes So Many Innovative Strategies You Won’t Have to Cut Coupons by Steve and Annette Economides.

If you are looking for innovative ways to save money on your groceries this book has quite a few different suggestions and examples of how you can easily save thousands a year on groceries. There are many different options making it easy to find something that will work for you and your family.

This book is filled with tips for every level of bargain shopper, from beginning to expert. I daresay every family can benefit in some way from this book. In this book, you are encourage to shop for groceries once a month,so they demonstrate how to save money by planning ahead and going to the store less often. Start by going weekly, then every couple of weeks, gradually taking control of impulse spending and buying whatever is placed in front of  you.

There’s also tips on how you can stock up food abit longer in this book, and I find it rather useful.

I rate this book 3 stars out of 5.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers for an advance reading as part of their Booksneeze bloggers program . I was not required to write a positive review and therefore, the book review is 100% my own opinion.

“Big Red” Holy Bible – Contemporary 3-D Art”Big Red” Holy Bible – Contemporary 3-D Art

I received this bible free from Thomas Nelson Publishers for an advance reading as part of their Booksneeze bloggers program . I was not required to write a positive review and therefore, the book review is 100% my own opinion.

“Big Red” Holy Bible – Contemporary 3-D Art”Big Red” Holy Bible – Contemporary 3-D Art

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