Bianco Mimosa Eid 2017 Collection: T’Amore

Want to stand out in the crowd with alluring attire this coming Eid 2017? Well then, step out of the fashion rut and be bold. Go for fashion that never goes out of style. Take things a notch higher and get your hands T’Amore. An outstanding Eid 2017 Collection by Bianco Mimosa.

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Exclusively launched at Lebaran Fashion Trends 2017 recently, the T’Amore Collection by Bianco Mimosa offers modest modern Eid attire inspired by the love for art, innovation and beauty.

Take a look at the stunning T’Amore Collections by Bianco Mimosa below:

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Modest attire in delicate black lace. Not only suitable for Eid, but casually elegent enough for dinner function as well.

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The lace dress is also offered in this stunning colour.

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Not into dark tone? Lace up in brazen red instead. You will surely be the centre stage fire.

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A dress in earthy, striking colours. Great for those who wants to look great without even trying.

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Exquisite dress in soothing tone. Simply charming, I must say.

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A dress for the young and trendy.

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Love sweet pink tones? Then this Kebaya-like dress that’s designed to accentuate the curves of the wearer’s body is definitely for you.

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Charming yellow dress for those with sunny disposition.

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A simply demure but elegant dress.

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Simple but unique, this dress will look beautiful on wearer of all shapes and sizes.

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For those who prefers striking, contemporary design, this might be the answer for you.

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T’Amore also offers attire for men. And here’s one of them, simple but comfortable kurta shirt to be paired with slacks or jeans.

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Simple and comfortable, no men can accuse this attire for being too frilly and complicated to wear.

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Black coloured kurta from T’Amore collection. Simple but stylish and definitely will highlight your machoism.

Interested to get your hands on some of this for the upcoming Eid? Pre-order the Bianco Mimosa’s Eid 2017 collection, T’Amore now with extra 10% off. You may visit Bianco Mimosa’s Facebook Page for more information. Or if you prefer to shop online, Bianco Mimosa’s line of clothing is also offered on Lazada. You may check it out HERE.

While Bianco Mimosa offers ready to wear clothings, I would personally recommend you to go for Mimosa Made to Measure instead as it will be tailored to fit and exclusively made for you. You may visit their boutique and consult their clothier about it.

For more information on Bianco Mimosa, refer to the information below:

No. 48-G, Jalan Nautika B U20/B,
Pusat Komersial TSB,
40160 Sg. Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia

Business hour: 9AM–7PM

Instagram: @mybiancomimosa


This entry was posted in Fashion.

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