Dental Check-up and Scaling Procedure at IFloss Dental

My last dental check up was way back in 2019, pre-Covid era. It’s way overdue considering now it is already the first quarter of 2021. I have been feeling slight discomfort every time I have to bite on the regulator during my dives, and I thought perhaps it’s time that I get my teeth checked.

And so, despite of not really wanting to go out of the house as the Covid19 cases is still on the rise, I dragged myself to IFloss Dental to get some help I badly needed.

IFloss Dental is located in Plaza Arkadia, at Desa Parkcity, Kuala Lumpur and it offers all sort of oral health services for both children and adults, and practicing strict Covid19 SOP as ruled by the government. You’re required to wear the mask at all times while waiting for your turn and practicing social distancing while in the clinic is a must.

The clinic is absolutely welcoming and children friendly, with spacious waiting area filled witg toys and books for little children.

This is Dr. Aaron Lai, my dentist. During consultation and a brief examination, I was informed that I needed a dental scaling and polishing treatment.

I was also told that apart from the nasty plaque and tartar buildups on my teeth, my gums are not in a very good condition too and I need lotsa help in that.

Scaling procedure is being carried by Dr.Aaron Lai. Specialized instruments are used to gently remove plaque and calculus deposits without harming the teeth. Basically, the scaler uses vibrations to loosen hardened tartar that sticks to the teeth or in between the teeth while the water spray is used to wash away the tartar and plaque debris.

This may look a bit highly graphic and rather uncomfortable, but if you are wondering if this is painful, I assure you that it’s not that painful. While I could practically feel all the dirty stuffs being gradually removed from it’s resting place, all I felt was merely strange sensation of my teeth being scraped every now and then.

After about 45 minutes of scaling, it is time for the the polishing procedure to wrap up the session. Teeth polishing is usually carried out after scaling to remove stains and make your teeth feel smooth and shiny. The polishing procedure was done with a soft rubber- dental instrument that spins. A toothpaste-like material is scooped up into the cup and was spun around on the teeth for a little for a good polish. Polishing just took a little while before the good doctor told me to rinse my mouth with water and mouthwash.

After the procedure was done, I was given an oral check up. A scanning was done and I was informed of my oral health condition before the doctor finally calling it a wrap. I was told that I was suffering from a gum disease where my gums were inflamed and I need a more frequent deep cleaning routine. Apart from that, I’m also adviced to get braces for my crooked teeth, but as far as braces goes…I’m not really considering it for the time being as it will impede me from biting onto the regulator properly while diving. Of course, if I really wanted to get braces and still dive, I can always consider using the full face mask, but that’s going to cost me heaps since I needed to take a specialty license to enable me to use a full face diving mask. It’s not something I’d like to do. At least not for now. Maybe I’ll get braces to correct my teeth once I get my full face mask specialty license, hopefully within two years.

Anyway, as far as scaling and polishing goes, it’s quite an experience. While it is is not very painful, it does gives me a strange sensation by the time the procedure ends. I could practically feel my teeth feeling really clean and smooth, which is something I’m not really used to. The surface of the teeth used to feel so coarse and uneven. And there are now tiny gaps in between the teeth as there are no more dirty plaque and tartar filling them up. Strange feeling, but I guess I can get used to it as I like the clean feeling in my mouth.

Post-scaling aftercare is not complicated. All you need to do is brush your teeth as usual, and if your teeth and gums were already in a bad shape prior to the procedure, you might want to remedy that by using toothpastes that’s specially made for sensitive teeth or those that helps fights bleeding gum. They will be very helpful in improving your oral health.

Wondering why my teeth still looks slightly yellow even after the procedure? Well, the original colour of my teeth is very yellow, so there are no changes after teeth cleaning as the yellow colour comes from inside the tooth. Teeth whitening was not part of the treatment. Teeth whitening is strictly for cosmetic purpose where a cosmetic dental procedure that lightens pigmentation within the teeth is carried out. Don’t confuse it with scaling and polishing as it is a procedure that removes dental plaque, tartar and extrinsic stains that are present on the outer surface of the teeth. If I were to whiten my teeth, I got to do it in another appointment.

Before I pen down, I’d like to say that it is vital to visit your dentist every 4- 6 months depending on your dentist’s advice. Going for your regular dental check up not only helps keep your gums and teeth looking healthy and helps you give an attractive smile, but it also also allows early detection of any serious oral problems such as gum disease, cavities and even oral cancer.

IFloss Dental is offering all sorts of oral care services. I can’t tell about other services cuz I’m being completely honest here and I’ve only experienced their scaling service and check-up ( which was great, by the way), but in case you’re curious or would like to visit IFloss Dental for your checkup, their services are as listed as below:

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