First Time Being On the Leaderboard As a Freediver

Played a little bit of a depth games at the lake with my instructor and ended up getting into Freediving Adventure Malaysia’s leaderboard. You know, I’ve never been a good student when I was in school.

I was the average kind of kid and didn’t shine in school. I’ve never made my parents proud and I’ve never made it as a top student throughout my entire schooling years, but yesterday it finally feels like I’ve accomplished something big as a student. I made it to the top 10 for two freediving disciplines in my freediving school; the FIM and CWTB.

So happy that I made it to 20m in one breath. That said, I think I’m beginning to really like diving deep in just one breath, so this won’t be my last time attempting to break my own personal best’s record. Posting this here for memories and as an inspiration for my next PB attempts.

Current PB
STA- 2:06mins

Thank you for coaching and being my safety, Swen Becht . I enjoyed the session very much.😄

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