The hidden fucking board!
If there’s an issue that pissed me off to no end is the new whoring machines installed all over KL, fucking the money out of our pocket. The fucking notice board is very well hidden from the view, and I’ve taken the time to find the notice board, only to find it’s hidden in a small corner of the road. Imagine what could have happened if someone were to missed the notice, thinking that it’s okay for them not to pay the compulsory RM0.50 per hour parking rate. They could very well been issued a summons of RM300, just for not paying the fucking machine.
This one is not taken from a city area…this notice board is taken from a student area, near Tunku Abdul Rahman College. Maximum you can pay at one go is for 3 hours, which is RM1.50. Let’s say there are students who goes to college by carpooling(I’ve seen many of these) and their class is well, more than 3 hours, are they expected to rush out of class or exams just to feed these whores so that they can be spared the RM300 summon ticket? How about the working people who are expected to rush out of office in the middle or piling work or meeting so that they too, can be spared the pains of loosing RM300? Even if the DBKL wants to charge people for fucking their car, should they not make it more convenient for the people? Let’s say, one can pay for unlimited hours, or implementing the monthly pass that is cheaper. So far I haven’t see anywhere I can obtain a monthly fucking pass.
OMG, when can this nonsense stop? Frankly speaking, RM0.50 per hour is way too much for me, especially when there’s no roof over the car and no security. If you pay the parking fees everyday, what’s the total amount that you paid by the end of the month? For me, it’s RM90, and I’m resenting this every damn day, because I can’t avoid it… I’m forced to pay because I have no other way to reach my office besides personal transport. AND, I have to pay the fucking machines RM4.50 per day… and, I truly loathe the hassle of having to rush down from my office just to pay the fucking machines so that I’ll be spared my RM300. Trust me, the DBKL people are so hardworking in finding cars that do not pay for fucking…there’s there almost all the time! Ah… fuckers and suckers who loves to make other people’s life miserable. A colleague of mine was issued the summon, while another one is forced to treat the DBKL officer Starbucks and Coffee Bean. I shudder to think that soon it’ll be my turn.
I’m more worried of this fucking issue more than whose backside is being stabbed with bananas. Sadly, nobody seems to care. Why no one is doing anything about this? If one do the math, the DBKL really earn like hell. Where the hell did all the money go? Why are we not told where the money from this fucking machines go? How do they intend to use the money for the benefit of the citizens? Does anyone have any idea?
Clef, take a DEEP breadth. BTW, you should stop this swearing thing. If you keep this up, you are going to acquire the habit of swearing at your hubby, your kids, your MIL when they screw up! hehe
hehe… just saw one outside my office and I was like… WTF! I have to now come in to office early to book one of the few free parking spots available else will end up paying for it.
DBKL is rich as it is… they do not need to do this… its just for someone to milk more money from us poor city folks already creaking under the weight of escalating cost of living.
At least yours in 50sen an hour.. over here at my end… its 80sen an hour!
OMG! 80cent per hour! They’re milking us like a dairy cows and we’re going dry… LOL, Uncle warrior, dun worry… these kind of language i only reserved for online usage… i spare people around me profanities…. LOL…
same thing happened in office. 50 cent per hour maximum 3 hours. So my colleagues would have to go out and pay every 3 hours. So they asked DBKL if they could get a season parking ticket or at least some sort of coupon. Set a meeting and the person in charge said “saya tak ada penyelesaian lah untuk masaalah ni, apa kata awak protes ke atau bagitau adun.”
I walk to work though.
I am organizing a gathering for bloggers of all races and i m buying dinner at a yet TBC venue, probably early next month. Location K.L.
& you are invited. kindly reply. thks
Now parking = fucking already.
parking our car now is as expensive as buying condom now.
in fact, buying condom is cheaper than parking our car at these parking space now.
Aiya… these DBKL pimp are just there to make our lives miserable…they’re doing this so that they can find faults in us so that they can issue out a saman…is not, why din they make seasonal parking pass available?
Hi Brother Daniel…I’m not sure if i can go for the gathering, depends on time and location? Kedai mamak oklah. LOL… Poket kering dah!
Dear Cleffairy,
Thanks for the reply, do not worry about the bill. I am buying dinner at the gathering.
Gosh, love your article and commentors comments….I will look at it at the lighter side. At least I am have a great laugh to start the day with.
I got one joke to share,
Q: How are men and parking space alike?
A: The good ones are taken, the available ones are usually handicapped or extremely small.
Wah, Brother Daniel, so generous. LOL. I’d love to go, but it really depends on the time…. cuz sometimes, I teach tuition to primary school kids. LOL. Who are you inviting, anyway, brother Daniel?
Yeah, how true… men and parking are so alike. LOL…
Hawk…. count me in… LOL!
But Hawk gotta make sure that place parking is FREE… geez… heard some conversation at mamak stall this morning… people are planning to vandalize these meters… they are so peeved at DBKL and some view this as a punishment for supporting Pakatan in the recent GE.
WHahahaha… vandalize… GOGO, i support, but i wun go anywhere near where they vandalize. Cleff is such a coward, isn’t she? Aiya, don’t care lah. Anything to spare my Rm90 per month. One year how much liao? SObs! If my maths is correct, and i cont to pay til one more year, it’s Rm1080! FUCK!!! I rather give my mom that amount of money and let her splurge than give DBKL! That much of money!!! GRRRRZ! Argh!
Aiya, do gathering at Carrefour or Giant lah. LOL…. there parking is free… whaha. Maybe i should change job lah, go work at carrefour of giant, den i can park til malam also nonid to pay. *sigh sigh sigh*
But honestly, i really do feel like being punished by the government…and alot people are right to feel this way. just look at what the government are doing now. Instead of doing things to win the citizen’s heart, they are doing things to fuel citizen’s hatred towards them. Issit because they know that they cannot govern any longer, so now take advantage kao kao?
bab2 ni dbkl mmg maju jaya…
yes the gomen is taking advantage the time they have to milk our pocket dry. the gomen ruled by fuklah and son-in-law khairy beruk is really making malaysia a living hell to leave. i have been working at my place for nearly 20 years and the parking is fucking free. now came the stupid dbkl and install their machine and ask us all to pay. what for? fuel hike, electricity hike, water hike, inflation, everyday goods price hike, sooner all later we will all become beggers and the ministers will become kings. we all need to do a revolution like the FRENCH REVOLUTION and bring all the fucking bn-umno,mic,mca,dbkl,mppj,all the majlis perbandaran to the guillotine and chop their heads off. they are better dead than alive.