iPad? Good Lord, let’s just buy Kotex!

Went to window shop with my dad earlier, and he wanted to buy me an iPad as a Christmas present because I’ve been prattling about wanting an ebook reader since God knows when. But then… I discovered that an iPad have a lot of disadvantages and not worth the money, and therefore, I told my dad not to bother to buy me one as I could buy a powerful gaming system with that disgusting amount of money.

Here’s iPad’s disadvantages…

* Flash is not supported, so you won’t be able to watch most online videos or play online games. (Yes, folks… you can’t watch most porn movies too, so if you’re buying an iPad for this explicit purpose, you’ll get slightly frustrated)

* No USB support. You can’t connect your a PC keyboard, USB flash drive, USB hard disk, USB headset, wireless USB modem. (well you actually can a USB port, but you need an adapter… oh, what the hell!)

* No built-in card readers. Want to transfer your pictures of videos from your digital camera? You will need to buy a couple of adapters from Apple then. (yippie, more money for the seller?)

* No camera

Want to use your Instant Messenger with a web-cam… definitely not on Apple iPad.

* iPhone OS

Although you may enjoy multi-touch and applications for Apple iPhone, you can’t use most programs, because they work in Windows, Mac OS or Linux.

* No remote administration

* No multi-tasking. iPhone OS on Apple iPad works the same way as on Apple iPhone

* iPad allows to read ebooks…. but it doesn’t use eInk screen, so the feature doesn’t have much sense, as there’s glare and you’d strain your eyes.


* No CD/DVD/Blu-Ray.

* Wi-Fi is not stable on many iPads.

* You need to hold iPad in your hands when watching videos (uh…that’s not so relaxing, isn’t it?)

Well, of course there’s advantage of using an iPad. You can actually show off that you got a disgustingly expensive gadget with you since it’s expensive and chic (can still show off even if you don’t actually know how to use it… that stuff is a babe magnet….)

Cleffairy: Does owning a DSLR camera makes you a photographer? Well, the answer is no. If you lack the skill to capture good pictures with a DSLR camera that you bought… that makes you not a photographer or a photo-blogger, but merely a camera owner.

ps:  Have a merry  and blessed Christmas, folks. I’d be busy for my book launch for a couple of days. 😀


  1. Philip says:

    I absolutely agree. When it comes to crap products, no one can beat Apple. I was a Mac addict years ago, but that was before Steve Whatsisname did a job on the company. Merry Xmas, Clef. Good luck on the book launch!

    • Cleffairy says:

      But MacOS is good for design use. Macbook and whatnot is okay for me, but iPad… I think that one is a complete crap. Can only be used for entertainment purposes only… and it is also, very bulky.

  2. suituapui says:

    I agree with you about the DSLR camera. Some just do not have “it”…and some are so good, so picture-perfect that it looks so unnatural – like things you see in magazines. Takes the soul out of the photos…

    P.S. I thought you would be bragging about your masak hitam…

    • Cleffairy says:

      Cannot brag about my masak hitam yet. LOL…was busy chatting and yakking with my mum and dad til forget to snap pic. Luckily my sis and my dad took a few pic of it, so gonna have to wait for them to send to me before I brag about it. LOL. They love it very much, and goes very well with my mum’s nasi tomato.

  3. Christopher says:

    Actually I’m still deciding to get a netbook or Ipad. The cost of the former cost half than of an ipad. But then, advantage of Ipad to me is I can use to teach my kid educational stuffs like spelling…etc.Easier to use cos it’s touch. For me, I only surf net, blog, do some excel and doc. (got some office app for iphone OS). What do u think?

    • Cleffairy says:

      Seriously speaking, if you’re into a long term, it would be more beneficial if you get a netbook or a laptop for your kids. Get them to use the real PC and get used to it, and they will learn a lot more faster. Dun believe? Can try lending ur laptop to ur eldest for 2 wiks. LOL. Dun say spelling, *F* words oso he’ll be able to learn afterwards. besides… school will have a computer class, won’t they? I think that ought to be a headstart. After all, the kids won’t go to school to learn how their iPhone or iPad function.

      Let your kids play hangman…that’s how I learn my spelling when I was a kid. LOL.

    • Cleffairy says:

      If you’re all into style and into entertainment and dun really mind the bulkiness, you can go ahead and buy an ipad… if you’re all into functionality, get yourself a regular netbook or a laptop.

  4. Jeremin says:

    Merry xmas sweetie! I was also eyeing a gadget to read my ebooks! Ipad was too ex and the disadvantages that u list are my factors too. Perhap i will consider netbook since i had a desktop.

    • Cleffairy says:

      Yea… initially I thought iPad was good cuz there are so many people boasting about it. But to my disappointment, I found out that iPad is practically an iPhone with a lot of functions missing. And not only that, it is heavy and not that convenient too. It’s good only for entertainment purpose… and even then, watching movies on it is not relaxing cuz you got to hold the iPad on your hand.

      And if you read ebooks on the iPad… you’d realize that the glare hurts your eyes more than a regular netbook or a desktop. Netbook is a better bet…cheaper and you got yourself a full desktop function with it.

      ANd yes, Merry Xmas to you too, Jeremin. 😀

    • Cleffairy says:

      iPad is not that portable… very bulky and heavier than the regular netbook, even. I’m not quite sure why so many people likes it, cuz function wise, iPhone is definitely better. Well… at least you can make phone calls on it. iPad can’t do that unless you’re login into skype!

  5. Bananazஇ says:

    Gee thanks so lucky read this post and to know about iPad is just like an iPhone except for the size. So now for me is “no i See” can forget about the special offer given to me. tQ

    • Cleffairy says:

      Very bulky… went to take a look at it with my dad… and if I wanna really compare, even my netbook is a lot lighter than the ipad! Very surprised that people actually pay disgusting amount of money for such bulky item without practical functions in it!

  6. LiLing says:

    Hello Cleffairy! Love this entry especially the Cleffairy says part. So many people are showing off their DSLR by just hanging on their necks/shoulders.

    ps: my friend just bought an iPad and apparently he’s having fun with it. i guess apple products are fun but not practical. 🙂

    • Cleffairy says:

      LOL… it’s quite a common practice with bloggers these days, is it not? I have professional photographer friends, but they dun usually hang the DSLR around their neck. They said it’s an easy target for a snatch thief, and they could easily loose their photos and I can’t agree more.

      Yes… i think iPad is for fun, but not exactly for people who loves practicality…

  7. beng says:

    i like what u said abt dslr n camera owner. personally i prefer shots which are a little kelam kabut with the imperfections ever present in life…. to record and not to mask or hide. jus like a spotless home impossible to maintain and a comfortable home where one can relax. i wonder if i make sense to u or anybody hahahaha

  8. Burney says:

    IPad is not perfect but it’s not as bad as the way you painted it. One thing for sure, iPad is not a netbook replacement. You need to know what you really want in the first place. Granted, some people are willing to pay the price for being cool, who are we to condemn them?

    I can’t speak for all, but I can speak from my own experience:
    1. Having an iPad started conversations that otherwise would not take place. iPad has been a good rapport builder for me with my clients.
    2. I love to read ebooks on my iPad. But it is tiring holding it while I am lying down on my bed. Kindle is a lot more read-while-lying-down friendly. That said, it beats reading ebooks on a netbook.
    3. Jail-breaking your iPad is not illegal in the US. That means, legally, you get free apps that very much pay for the iPad itself.

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