I don’t really make it a habit to drag my in-laws to blogger events. I’ve always prefer to keep my professional life where it belongs; at work, but for the first time ever, I made an exception. I invited my sister-in-law to attend a food review with me. She’s been quite a supportive sport to me these days, and I thought it would be nice if she could join me for dinner. And she did, despite of her busy schedule.
I really appreciate the fact that she put her family first before anything else. 😀 Where can you find a sister-in-law like that? She’s a gem, one of a kind. (And she’s still single… 😛 Ahemm, anyone wanna get to know her? She’s such a lovely thing, and I’ve featured her once in my blog for my Etude Any Cushion review)
Okay, okay, I’ll stop trying to matchmake my lovely sister-in-law. I bet she’ll be so cross with me if I were to really matchmake her in my blog.Hahaha 😀 As I said, she joined me for dinner in M2 Cafe& Catering.
The place is specialized in steamboat buffet and catering.
And right now, they are having a promotion. Rm20 for adult and Rm10 for a child. The offer is only valid til the end of October 2013.
There’s the usual steamboat offering
Fresh veggies
Assorted seafood
Assorted fish balls
Fruit offerings
Surprisingly, there’s also mushroom soup in the buffet. Comes really quite a surprise to me, to be honest.
difference between relative and radioactive dating
Swissrolls…son loves these, but they’re a tad dry for me.
Cute cupcakes…the boy loves these…:P
We took some clams crustaceans
Some fishcakes
And of course, some processed seafood.
But the real highlight is definitely their roasted lamb. It comes with savoury BBQ sauce. I usually prefer mint sauce over BBQ sauce whenever I had roasted lamb, but these are pretty good. No gamey taste and pretty much tender. One of kiddo’s fav too. Ahemm…yours truly ate quite alot that night. No prize guessing who slept nude that night. 😛
One for the album. 😀 Bloggers who were invited for the review that night.
Wanna check em out?
Here’s the address:
A-01-06, Star Parc Point,
Jalan Taman Ibu Kota off Jalan Genting Kelang,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Klang Valley 53300
GPS: 3.2069081 , 101.7262321
601 4757 1297
LIKE their facebook page for updates and promotions. 😀
amazing review dear.wish that i will meet u that night.bu unfortunately not 🙁
but its ok,make sure we will having our date ya! 🙂
yeyeyeyee.. sdap2 😀