One Stop Information Portal For BR1M

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BR1M 2016 or rather Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia 2016 is a Malaysian government’s initiative to ease the citizens’ plight in dealing with the skyrocketing cost of living. Launched during Tun Abdullah Badawi’s tenure as Prime Minister of Malaysia as a one shot solution to give back to the people,  the effort is continued by the current Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The BRIM 2016 aid is upgraded to a few different payment schemes compared to previous payout to household and single individuals. As the government is aware of difficulties that Rakyat is facing, the minimum eligibility of BR1M aid has been raised to RM 4,000 monthly income per household. To date, a total of 7.1 million applicants received the BR1M aid for 2016.

First time BR1M applicant? Application for BR1M 2016 can be made both online and offline. Not sure how to go about it? Well, fret not, just hop over to

This website is frequently updated and is packed with information. Easy to navigate and mobile responsive, the website has everything that you need to know about BR1M.

In the website you will be able to find:

* Latest news about BR1M
*Tips on managing your finance
*Official announcement from relevant ministry regarding to the BR1M scheme.
*Guide and tips on making a new BR1M application online and offline.
*Guide and tips on updating your application info
*BR1M payment scheme and schedule
*Guide on checking your BR1M status
*Guide to making appeals for those who failed to get their BR1M 2016 application approved.

Basically the website is a one stop portal for everything that you want and need to know about BR1M, so if you have any questions regarding to BR1M, be it making a new BR1M application or making an appeal, this is the place you would want to go. So what are you waiting for? Hop over and knock yourselves out, and I bid you good luck in your endeavours.

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