DECIBEL- Maximum Noise, Maximum Disaster

Title : Decibel
Release date: 1 Dec 2022
Genre : Terror, Action, Disaster
Language : Korean
Subtitles : BM, English, Chinese

Duration : 110 min
Reach a certain DECIBEL and bombs will explode! Former Commander Kang Do-Young is revered as a national hero for saving many of his men in a submarine accident. One day, he receives a cryptic phone call informing him that a sound-sensitive explosive has been planted at a soccer stadium. When the crowd noise reaches a certain decibel, a bomb will be activated. In the nick of time, Commander Kang saves innocent lives but the terrorist remains intent on inflicting further casualties, including his wife and daughter. Now he must race against the clock to track down the terrorist and save his family. Amid this impossible task, dark secrets the Commander left buried in the sea resurface.
Kim Rae Won plays the former navy commander, while Lee Jong Suk takes the part of the bomb maker. Cha Eun Woo portrays a navy officer who specializes in sound detection.

Marine Conservation Program: Ghost Net Removals at Pulau Undan and Pulau Nangka, Melaka

Did you know that you can dive in Melaka? Yes. There are diving spots in Melaka, Malaysia. They are Pulau Undan, Pulau Nangka and Pulau Dodol. These three islands were proposed to be gazetted as Melaka Marine Parks and they are currently in the final stages of the gazetting process. The islands are just about 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. It’s a less traveled place(s) that you can consider should you want to go for some peaceful, non-congested snorkeling or diving.

The distance between these islands in Melaka are close to the mainland. So if you go in the morning, you can return in the evening and it’s only 20 minutes boat ride from the jetty.

These small islands is home for untouched coral gardens with all sorts of captivating marine creatures. These islands are the best alternative for hardcore divers of all disciplines if they are unable to dive in the East Coast due to the monsoon season. These islands are great for snorkelers too.

The local authorities only allowed access to these islands during the day with limited numbers of boat making trips over, but despite of these regulations, some areas surrounding the islands are infested with ghost nets due to fishing activities.

Ghost net is a huge eco-problem. They’re fishing nets that has been abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded in the ocean. More often than not, the ghost nets are nearly invisible in the dim light. They’re usually tangled on a rocky reef or drifting in the open sea.

If not removed, the ghost nets can cause further destruction by smothering coral reefs, devastating shorelines, and damaging boats.

Having realized the issue, Department of Fisheries Melaka (DOF) has decided to take drastic action by organising a Marine Conservation program last Saturday on 5th November 2022; where the mission is to focus on removing the ghost nets from the Malaccan waters.

A bunch of scuba divers, including yours truly and buddies came forward to play small part in the ghost net removal programs.

En. Nawar A. Karim from DOF, giving us divers a short briefing on the clean up plans before we proceed to board the boats that will take us to the islands at the Umbai Jetty.

Listening to the clean up plan of the day. Participants were split into groups for easier coordination.

On board the boat, on the way to Pulau Undan for our first dive and second dive at Pulau Nangka.

A selfie to kill time before we arrived at our dive spot.

My buddies for the conservation program; Cikgu Fariz, Abang Icam and Abang Rocky. Briefing and making dive plans.

Preparing to rock and roll

Managed to take some cute couple pic with my husband before descending and getting down to business.

Another cute pic. Yea. I like taking pictures like this before I start the dive of the day. It helps me keep up the upbeat energy.

Volunteers from other group.

Abang Mael, a participant from other group, getting ready to descend.

Happy faces before descending for our ghost net removal dives. Dark pictures as weather wasn’t quite favourable for us.

It was cloudy and slightly drizzling when we started to dive and it is one of those limited visibility dive again.

Visibility was barely 1m with strong current. Not for faint hearted divers as visibility is kinda bad and body contact were needed throughout the dives, but I absolutely love it.

It was extremely rewarding. Spotted healthy coral gardens with huge red and white sea-fan. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to spot anything as diving in the West Coast of Malaysia is well known for bad visibility but it was really an extraordinary experience, to be able to see sea-fans that are almost as huge as me. If anything, there’s a whole world of undiscovered secrets down there.

On a darker note, ghost nets strangling the corals aplenty too. It’s just as we were told during our briefings.

They’re really hard to remove and it’s so sad that we couldn’t clear everything during our dives. Weather wasn’t exactly favourable to us. Strong currents and bad visibility made it a challenge for us to gather more ghost nets to remove.

But managing to clear some is better than nothing at all, isn’t it?

I’m really sad to see these infesting our waters.

The ghost nets are one of the major contributor to the ocean plastics crisis.

Most modern nets are made of nylon or other plastic compounds that can last for centuries and they’re mostly responsible for trapping and killing a significant number of marine creatures. Ghost nets causes irreversible harm to coral reefs too—breaking corals, exposing them to disease, and even blocking the reefs from the sunlight that they need to grow. They need to be removed at all costs.

One for the album. These are the guys who made rough, limited visibility dives feels like a breeze and work dives feels like a fundive. I’d dive again with them in a heartbeat.

Thank you buddies for taking care of me throughout the entire diving trip. Hope I’ll have the opportunity to dive with all of you again in the future.

This entry was posted in Diving.

My SSI Diver Stress &Rescue Experience with KAIA Underwater Academy

So, I’ve been diving quite awhile, and I decided that it’s time to further upgrade myself as a scuba diver by signing up for SSI Diver Stress &Rescue. I wanted to be not only a better diver, but a better buddy as well. You see, the more I dive, the more I feel like I’m insufficient. I feel that skill upgrade is a necessity if I were to keep diving; even more so if I were to continue diving in challenging sites that’s nothing like an aquarium-holiday environment. Self preservation and keeping my buddies safe throughout my dives is a priority. To me diving is not just for fun, but comes with great responsibility.

To cut the long story short, I signed up for SSI Diver Stress &Rescue with KAIA Underwater Academy. Mr.Suhaimi Salleh was my instructor. I’ve already done 4 specialties with KAIA Underwater Academy and the experience was excellent.

KAIA Underwater Academy provides fuss-free environment for students where you have the option to attend academic sessions online. Exam and knowledge review is done efficiently via online apps as well.

Learning with them is really flexible and my classes with them are usually private- aside from my husband who signed up for the same course and attend all classes with me, my courses with them were practically a one- to- one session with my instructor; which is great, cuz I’m quite a slow learner and it’s very student focused. I wouldn’t be able to benefit otherwise.

Anyway, here’s sharing my experience while taking SSI Diver Stress &Rescue.

SSI Diver Stress &Rescue is by far not only the most challenging but also the most fun and rewarding diving course I’ve ever signed up for. To complete the course, candidates are required to complete 4 parts of the course; first aid& CPR or SSI React Right course, academic session, confined water session as well as open water session. I was exempted from the first aid/first responder and CPR part as I was already a Basic Life Support Provider when I signed up for the course.

Like I mentioned earlier, the academic portion of the course was done online via apps and via zoom.

In the zoom classroom with my instructor, Mr. Suhaimi Salleh.

The real fun begins during confined water in the pool.

Here, we were taught how to self-rescue. Yes, people. It’s a misconception that Rescue Diver course only teaches you to save other divers. Of course, that’s true too, but rescue course basically teaches this; ‘Me before you’. It teaches self preservation where you learn how to take care of yourself first before taking care of others or saving others. All the skills are first taught in confined water environment first before proceeding into open water.

Part of self-rescue skills being performed; regulator recovery, remove and replace BCD on surface and underwater, no mask swim, one fin swim, breathing through free-flow regulator etc. This is all about managing problems underwater.

We were also given plenty of scenarios to work on; eg: Rescuing other divers- tired diver tow, unconscious diver, uncooperative/panic diver rescue. This is the most fun part of the course if you ask me, cuz our ‘victim’ are usually Drama Kings or Drama Queens whose acting are terribly exaggerating. It’s hard to hold back laughter. But still, these ‘victims’ are not to be underestimated as they are on a mission to give you troubles as you perform the skills, and you need to be able to remain calm and perform well regardless of the stress they put on you.

SSI Diver Stress &Rescue candidates are required to perform skills in the open water as well, so I opted to do it at the lake that I usually frequent for my weekend fundives. My open water sessions were held at Bandar Saujana Putra Lake and it kicks off with briefing on what skills we would perform, and what scenarios we would have to go through before passing the course.

Now, diving there for fun is one thing. Diving there while performing skills for certification is another thing altogether.

It’s very challenging because the visibility at this dive site can be really nasty. Regardless of the time of the day you dive, it’s always dark in there. It’s always like a night dive.

On good days, it’s usually just 2m Vis max. On bad days, it can be just about 1m, with loads of sediments floating around.

The SSI Diver Stress &Rescue Course is very challenging, and I did not think I did very well in certain areas.

I had to repeat some skills before my instructor was satisfied to earn my certification, but at the end of the day, I managed with my instructor’s patience and guidance. And I am truly grateful for that. There are room for improvements and I intend to practice the skills, so more weekend training sessions for me, I guess.

So what did I gained throughout the entire course? Well, there’s a lot, but gaining confidence as a diver and improving my diving skills tops the list. Apart from that, it helps in increasing awareness of diver safety, and I’ve learned how to prevent & manage problems underwater.

Earned my Master Diver recognition from SSI after completing the SSI Diver Stress &Rescue course. A yay to that.

If you ask me whether or not Rescue Diver course is worth taking, I’d definitely say yes. It is by far the most rewarding course in SSI that I’ve ever signed up for. So yes…if you’re a scuba diver and thinking of upgrading your skills by taking Rescue Diver course, just go for it. It will without a doubt benefit you as a diver in the long run.

Pictures credit to Ms. Syahnaz Adila from KAIA Underwater Academy.

Thank you to my instructor Mr.Suhaimi Salleh and KAIA Underwater Academy for everything. I certainly look forward to continuing my education with you again in the near future.

Diving at UMT Christmas Ghost Wreck with Big Blue World DC

Dive site: UMT Christmas Ghost Wreck
Location: Terengganu, Malaysia
Dive guide: Figo from Big Blue World DC

This divesite is located somewhere near Bidong Island, Terengganu. I’m not sure the exact coordinates of this dive site, though, but I promise to update the exact location once I found out about it.

I have always wanted to see sunken ship wrecks, and this time, I was privileged enough to see not only one, but two of them at the same dive site.

There are two shipwrecks at this dive site and the ships were sunk at about 24-26m. According to our boatman, the ships were sunk by UMT back in 2020 so that it can be a home to the marine lives down there.

I was abit nervous about the strong current during this dive and was watching my NDL closely. I’ve done 2 dives prior to this dive and I was diving conservative this time. I didn’t want to hit my NDL as it would be nasty if I have to perform a deco stop before ending the dive cuz my air wouldn’t be enough to complete my deco stop obligation on top of the safety stop at 5m since this is already a deep dive to begin with and air consumption is definitely alot more than my previous dive, which was a drift dive. I heard divecoms beeping from other divers in the group, but I’m glad mine didn’t til the end of the dive, despite ending the dive with just 50 bar of air to spare.

The vis was excellent. I can see the entire ship, but there’s no penetration cuz I’m not a trained wreck diver and I didn’t really explore at the bottom side of it. I tried to just maintain my depth at 22m and explored the ship from that depth, but even at 22m and above, the wrecks are mesmerising. It has become a habitat to all sorts of marine creatures and schooling fishes can be seen swimming around.

The ships has also become somewhat a home for beautiful white corals. I’m no coral expert, so I’m not sure what these white corals are called, so I’d appreciate if any of you out there can ID it for me. All I know is that the wrecks gives somewhat a wintry and Christmassy feel, with snow white corals everywhere on the wrecks around alongside with the strong current and cold temperature.

I’ve seen wrecks at other sites before, but not as big and as beautiful as this one. Hopefully this will not be my last shipwreck. 🙏

Things divers should take note about this dive site:

-Strong current, so it requires strong swimmer and divers with a sense of adventure

– Due to the depth of the shipwrecks, this dive site is recommended only for Advance Open Water level and above

-There’s thermocline over here and warm temperature can changed from warm to cold drastically, so be sure to suit up well if you’re to explore this place.

Diving at Pulau Karah, with Big Blue World DC

Location: Terengganu, Malaysia
Dive guide: Figo from Big Blue World DC

Sorry, I have to start my story with this dive site. Our first dive was at Bidong Underwater Gallery, but I have no pictures of that cuz I did not bring any camera 😭. It was an excellent dive site, by the way.

The current at Pulau Karah was mild and we were drift diving along with the current. I’ll be honest with you, being someone who dives in the lake more than anything else, I was quite terrified when I was told that the current in the sea can be quite unpredictable and we’ll most likely be drift diving throughout our trip if the current is strong.

But once I’ve jumped in and started blowing bubbles, I discovered that drifting along with the current is extremely enjoyable and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Yes. I want to drift dive again. Preferably in every dive cuz it was not only exciting but terribly relaxing as well cuz you don’t even have to fin that much.

All you need to do is just drift along together with your buddies and you practically get to see just about everything in the dive site. It pretty much feels like a free train ride in the sea. All you need is just sit tight, and just enjoy the ‘ride’ with beautiful view. We dive for almost 1hr, and I still have more than half tank left by the end of the dive, cuz it was simply energy and air efficient. It’s perfect for lazy ass diver like me.

Special thanks to our guide and Instructor Figo for introducing drifting to me. You’re right. It’s really fun. And I’d do it again in the next opportunity presented to me.

Diving at Pulau Yu Kecil with Big Blue World DC

Dive site: Pulau Yu Kecil

Here’s presenting to you the mesmerising Pulau Yu Kecil. Not quite a well known or overly commercialised dive site, so the ecosystem there remains quite untouched despite having spotted some old ghost nets lying around the site.

All things considered, this is the green lungs of the sea, people. It’s a huge green garden down there. Definitely a sight for sore eyes. The current was quite strong, hence we drift dive again instead of fighting the current when we were there.

Our world on the surface of the Earth could have been like this; surrounded by beautiful greens and being nourished by green lungs. Sadly, humans are overly populated and on top of that, greed and developments cleared out whatever green land there is in exchange of lifeless concrete jungle. It’s really a wonder that the surface human still does not realize why they’re getting more and more infertile, weaker, sicker, and plagued with all sorts of diseases year after year.

HALAL Steamboat Restaurant in Shah Alam: Pak John Steamboat&BBQ

Fancy a good meal where everyone is required to put away their smartphones and simply focus on the food and each other? Here’s one place you can go to; Pak John Steamboat&BBQ at AEON Shah Alam.

The restaurant is spacious and could fit a large group of diners. Pak John Steamboat&BBQ is offering all sorts of steamboat and BBQ delights.

This is a HALAL steamboat restaurant and it adopts the ‘eat all you can’ concept buffet, allowing you to help yourselves to whatever you want to eat, and as much as you can. Yups, it’s a Halal restaurant, guys. So if you’re a Muslim or would like to enjoy Halal steamboat meal with your Muslim family or friends, this is your go to place.

Yours truly with husband and son, waiting for the soup to boil before we can put in the food to cook

Here’s some of the highlights available that you can help yourselves to:

Fresh veggies and assorted tofu.

Noodles and ramen. Great to be paired with any soup of your choice at Pak John Steamboat&BBQ.

Assorted fresh seafood and crustaceans. I love the prawns and the crabs the most.

Marinated meat and seafood for you to indulge in.

Premium meat in the form of smoke duck slices, New Zealand lamb and meat slices. These always get snatched up pretty fast but they’re always available in stock. So if you didn’t see them at the shelf, just request away. The kitchen crew will have them prepared for you.

Apart from the raw items, Pak John Steamboat&BBQ also offers fried items and finger food for you to indulge yourselves with.

Need your daily dose of carbs? Fret not. Pak John Steamboat&BBQ also serves piping hot fried noodles and rice, Korean rice cakes, and hot and sour soup.

And oh, if you’re a fan of dimsums, you can find them too over here.

Here’s what we had during our visit. Assorted marinated meat and seafood in Kimchi and Chicken soup. Abit of everything to be dumped into the hotpot or grilled on the hot plate.

Here’s yours truly, cooking her share of food

All the yummies that I wanted to eat.

Does this makes you feel hungry yet? I love crustaceans, so that’s what I took the most, but if you ask me what else is good and a must eat, then I’d say the smoked duck slices and the premium meat is a not to be missed. You may just have the seafood and meat on it’s own as they’re fresh and already flavourful, but there are a variety of dippings that you can pair them with. My personal favourite is their Spicy Thai Sauce and Pak John Secret Sauce.

Desserts aplenty. There are cakes, jellies and even fresh fruits, but here’s one of my favourites at Pak John Steamboat&BBQ; their freshly made waffles.

Waffles topped with chocolate and strawberry ice cream. You’ll have to DIY it if you wanna top it with ice cream though as they served the waffles either plain or with a spread of your choice.

Beverages are free-flow, so help yourselves. Canned carbonated drinks is also available in the fridge for your consumption without extra charges. Ice kacang is also available for you to DIY.

The dining experience at Pak John Steamboat&BBQ was definitely fantastic, and a revisit is definitely in order. Here’s one for the album, yours truly with her family and friend after dining at
Pak John Steamboat&BBQ AEON Shah Alam.

For more info on Pak John Steamboat&BBQ like pricing, ongoing promotion, please refer to the picture below. Do note that they do cater to corporate bookings as well, so if you need a place for a company dinner or something, they can be an excellent host as well.

To make a booking, just contact these numbers 012-3231284 / 012-9138367 or click this whatapps link:

Facebook page:



Aeon Mall, F07&08, First Floor, 1, Jln Akuatik 13/64, Seksyen 13, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor

Rhys Lewis Presents New Single ‘Midnight’

The day before I wrote this song,
someone asked me when I might be able to start gigging again. The
thought of playing live to a room full of people genuinely gave me goosebumps. I was keen to have a
track with that kind of energy, something that would feel incredible to sing with a crowd.This is the song that I wanted to play live for the first time in a sweaty venue, with a sweaty band to a sweaty crowd, just like old times.

After living with these rules and restrictions for so long, we all inherited a social cautiousness. We
became stuck in this strange limbo, waiting for things to get back to normal. During the depths of
another lockdown, I realised how much I’d taken the freedom to be spontaneous for granted.

Rhys Lewis – Midnight


Rhys Lewis’ single ‘Midnight’is out now via Decca Records

For more information, please contact:
[email protected] WITH THE RHYS LEWIS:

Hada Labo’s Blemish&Oil Control Gel- A Remedy for Acne Prone Skin

Humidity and the hot weather can stimulate the secretion of sebum, resulting in oily skin. Oily skin is believed to be one of the main causes of acne. Wearing a face mask for long hours, which is a new norm now also contributes to skin irritation and can aggravate acne and pimple skin.

There is a misconception that using a moisturiser on oily or acne skin would worsen the skin condition but moisturising works in keeping pimples and zits at bay. Skipping this critical step may cause dry, flaky skin which will bring about more breakouts. That’s why it is important that oily or acne skin gets properly hydrated with the right moisturiser.

To offer consumers with oily or acne-prone skin an enhanced solution to their skin concerns, Hada Labo has introduced the Blemish & Oil Control Gel, an all-new moisturiser to keep skin smooth, clear, and healthy.

Among highlights of the Hada Labo Blemish & Oil Control Gel:

Natural Plant Extracts to strengthen the skin barrier
Extracted from natural pearl barley, the Hatomugi extract and other plant extracts such as Centella Asiatica, Houttuynia Cordata and Chamolie Flower extract to help in reducing blemishes and calming irritated skin to keep the skin clear and healthy.

2 types of Hyaluronic Acids for deep and long-lasting hydration
The Hyaluronic Acids function to lock in moisture, storing and replenishing moisture for significantly soft, smooth, and supple skin.

Lightweight texture
The lightweight gel texture provides instant absorption into the skin, leaving skin fresh with a non-sticky feeling.

Skin pH Balanced and Low Irritation

Free of Fragrance, Colorant, and Mineral Oil

Directions of Use:
*Use twice a day after Hada Labo Blemish & Oil Control Lotion.
*Take a sufficient amount and apply it evenly on the face and neck.
*Gently massage and pat to allow absorption into the skin.

The Hada Labo Blemish Oil & Control Gel is suitable for daily use. It is now available in leading pharmacies nationwide at RM75.90.

Charlotte Sands Viral Song ‘Dress’ Hits 35 Million Global Streams, On Your Beginning 9 September

The queen of angsty pop/rock, Charlotte Sands, isn’t afraid to speak or play loud.

Charlotte Sands is a young American musician who is mainly known for genre pop. She is also a lyricist who has stood out as truly newsworthy as of late after her tune Dress became famous online on TikTok in December 2020.

charlotte sands,

The queen of angsty pop/rock, Charlotte Sands, isn’t afraid to speak or play loud.

True indeed, in November of 2020, Sands leaked a song called “Dress” that she wrote about Harry Styles wearing a dress on the cover of Vogue.

Within hours, the song became an anthem of self expression for thousands, hitting 35 million global steams.

Now, with millions of listeners, “Dress” achieved even more exposure than at its initial release, and has been charting on the Pop and Hot AC Top 40 Radio in the US for 11 weeks.

It was also recently featured on Ryan Seacrest’s American Top 40 Countdown as well as SiriusXM’s Venus, The Pulse and Hits 1.

“Dress is a song about self expression and the confidence it takes to be your authentic self today’s society.

“We wrote this song hoping it would start more conversations about gender norms while also feeling like a celebration of each other’s differences. I hope when people listen they feel seen and I hope it gives them the boost of confidence to dress the way they want to and be the person that they are despite judgement or criticism. As an artist, I am so lucky I get to express myself everyday for a living and I think everyone deserves that freedom.” ,” says Charlotte.

To celebrate Dress’ continued success, Charlotte released a four song EP with different versions of the song, including a Dance remix with Avedon, an acoustic version, and a heavy version.

In May, Charlotte performed two of her biggest shows to date in the UK, headlining Camden Assembly in London and opening for My Chemical Romance at MK Stadium in Milton Keynes.

“This is the craziest day of my entire life,” said Charlotte to a crowd of 30,000 people.

“I am so, so, so grateful to get to do this as my job. I still can’t believe this is real. Thank you My Chemical Romance for having me, I’ll be watching your show from the back in absolute awe and pinching myself every 3 seconds,” she continued.

The prolific Nashville-based artist has also announced her first-ever national headlining tour dubbed the Love and Other Lies Tour, starting 9/6.

However, the electric blue haired singer/songwriter’s musical career didn’t start with the overnight success of a viral song.

At 18, she stole her mom’s car, found a roommate on Craigslist, and left her home in Hopkinton, MA for Nashville, TN, with a plan to take a year off of school before attending Berklee College of Music but she never went back.

Thereafter, she dropped 7 singles from her bedroom in lockdown.

Alternative Press named Sands one of “11 rising artists who fine-tuned their sound’ where else Spotify chose Charlotte for the cover of their year-end playlist, Fresh Finds: Best of Pop 2020 – her catalog amassing over 80 Million Global Streams.

In 2022, you can find Sands spending the majority of her time on tour, opening for artists like YUNGBLUD, My Chemical Romance, and The Maine, and headlining at Camden Assembly.

Sands’ personal mission to “create a safe space for people to feel accepted and celebrated for their weirdness and diversity” is something she takes seriously.

And as evident by the overwhelmingly positive comments that flood her social media, her fans take pride in championing her as they recognize how she champions them.

For more information on Charlotte Sands, follow her at the links below.

Charlotte Sands Socials





#CharlotteSands #Dress #GlobalStreams #Spotify #AlternativePress #PopRock