I was lazily browsing around and blog hopping a moment ago, and I came across Eugene’s blog, and I really had to admire him for trusting his kids to do the right thing and not nag them to no end and drive them away from him. I suppose his method of parenting is pull and not push. I respect him for having enough faith that he taught his children well enough that they will have the conscience to do the right thing without having him nag them or force them to do so.
I think if you’re a regular reader over here in Over A Cuppa Tea, you would realize that I have met Eugene once during my trip to Penang somewhere in July, and as I was reading his blog, I recalled the time when we were having dinner together with his family.
We were happily chatting with each other over dinner in a food court somewhere in Gurney, and the subject about our mutual blogger friends came up. If my memories serves me right, we mentioned STP, Claire, Bananaz and also Smallkucing.
Eugene asked me if Smallkucing goes for foodie trip in Penang often, and so, I told him yes, but usually with his non-blogger friends and his grandparents, that is why his Mamarazzi(the real author behind Smallkucing.com) don’t call up any blogger friend from Penang to visit them on her trips. You know how awkward it can get if we bring people who have nothing in common to meet the friends that we know online. The conservative elders wouldn’t approve that either. They will tell you that such people are considered strangers, and it’s no good to meet up with people you haven’t been introduced before.
Out of the sudden, Eugene got cheeky and asked me if he could have Smallkucing’s Mamarazzi’s phone number so that he could call her up and introduce himself. I told him no, he can’t have her number because Mamarazzi will strangle me, and if he wants to have her number, he’ll have to ask her himself. Well, Mamarazzi won’t strangle me. That’s just exaggerating, but I respect Mamarazzi’s privacy and I don’t wish to upset her by giving her phone number to people who does not have it. I always think that it’s better for her to make acquaintance with Eugene herself and vice versa.
Eugene did not push the issue when I said no to him. I was really surprised because not everyone whom I have encountered will take no for an answer, especially when it comes to giving our mutual friends’ phone number to the party who does not have it. They think it’s all right to do so, but I for one, don’t think it’s all right. Like what Eugene said to me back then, you got to respect it when people say no, and you got to respect people’s privacy.
I may not know Eugene very well as I just got to know him through the cyberworld, but I do know that he’s a charismatic man and he’s gentleman enough to take no as an answer from his friends and his family. Now, that’s something each and everyone of us should learn.
Cleffairy: Do you simply give your friends’ contact numbers and whatnot when people ask it from you, or you give them a firm no? Do respect people’s privacy if you want people to respect yours. There’s a limit to everything.
Most of the time, no….! But if it’s work related, then yes.
Oh, I see.
i dun like when they just give without asking me first.
I oso dun like it. It’s not respecting my privacy.
alamak…aku pulak kena mentioned. Goes ipoh often but not Penang la. It was b4 J was born my last trip to Penang. Ya, a bit susah to meet up coz was was with non-blogger friends on a tight schedule then hubi was sick that time. My own Penang friends also tak sempat meet up. Maybe one of these days go Penang again. Mau main kat pantai like you
Go live in those chalet la…those by the beach punya… not that mahal, and most are clean oso. Kedai makan around pun banyak. I go Penang i damn hate staying in town… feel berasap oni… die die must stay by the beach so that anytime can jadi mermaid! LOL!
Non-bloggers would look so uncomfortable when we take photos of the food…like it’s so shameful or what. Maybe they can’t wait to dive in and eat – like they’ve never eaten before.
Hah!!! What did you say about me, huh? Hmmmm…..
Yes, true… so sometimes it’s quite difficult to meet blogger friends and non blogger friends at the same time…abit akward. Photos still okay la I guess…but if they have no common interest… it will be chicken and duck talk.
No la… we din say anything bad about you. LOL… I just told Eugene I’ve met you once and you remind me of my soft-spoken grandpa very much.
I don’t really mind if you give my phone number to someone’s else… as long as they don’t bite me… hahahaha…. i think my phone number was given few times before without me knowing…. but as long as they are someone i know, then it is fine…
I wun berani lerr… have to ask owner first… I sked ppl marah. The other day my mum oso simply kasi my number to ppl…I wasn’t so happy with that… cuz I wanna avoid that person. LOL!
Ha,,,thank you for mentioning me here,,,,,,,,,,i am a father who is still learning to be a better papa,a husband to learn to be a better husband too and a friend who is trying to be a better friend too
Eugene is indeed an awesome dad and a wonderful husband(to his wife)! One of the bestest guy I knw.
you are thoughtful and I trust your choices
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
Though i dont comment at Eugene’s blog, but i do read his blog and his words inspired me a lot… in some way.
it depends..
No wonder Bananaz’s ears itchy leh..hahaha. Yeah Respect! Bananaz would not go any further too. Depends on how ‘deep/close’ the friendship of each other.
No wonder Bananaz’s ears itchy leh..hahaha. Yeah Respect! Bananaz would not go any further too. Depends on how ‘deep/close’ the friendship of each other.
same like me i wont gv fren num to fren who ask for it…if they insist i wil cal my fren n tel them a fren ask for their num n if they ok i wil gv…i did fark some of my fren when they gv out my num :$
eugene bro just make me respect him more lor. some people need to learn no mean no. hehe