I was invited for an exclusive and intimate skincare product demonstration with Skin Formation last Sunday. There’s a few more bloggers over there, and I was pleasantly surprised that most of them told me that I look familiar even though I couldn’t really remember any of them except for my blogger friend, Wendy. They said they have met me in a blogger event or two somewhere. I think I’m becoming more and more notorious with each passing day that they could have say that when they saw me.
Anyway, as I said, I was there in Skin Formation’s HQ for their product demonstration, and we were introduced to a wide range of skincare product.
Here’s Wendy. She volunteered to be the model of the day.
The kind folks in Skincare Formulation removing her make-up so that they could demonstrate the effectiveness of their skincare products.
Wendy, looking fresh after the facelift massage.
Each of us bloggers were given a goodie bag that contains a whole lot Skin Formulation product that has been customized specially for our skin type. Wanna know what I got and if their skincare product is effective? Well, stay tune, I’ll be reviewing the products that has been customised for me in a week or two after using them.
In the meantime, do check out www.goalife.com for more information on Skin Formulation wide range of skincare products.
Cleffairy: Let’s see if Skin Formulation products can ‘photoshop’ me a little bit. I sure need some ‘photoshop’.
good wor ….wish i had the time to go
16th June, after the Fisher Price, got one more session. Wan go?
Hope you enjoy their products and the demostration as well
Small kucing: you wan to join next session on 16/6/2012?
LOL…Dono whether Smallkucing and Mamarazzi will be able to join us or not next round.
Wow.. ! i think i might need this .. my face is rough like sandpaper ..and im sure on day.. i will appear in your “my cuppa tea” section
*hint hint
Hahaha… tell me about it… as a busy mum, I hardly have time to pamper myself too.
I’ve added you to my blogroll, by the way. LOL!