Yours sincerely, Cleffairy…

Dear all,

This won’t be a lengthy entry, just a little musing on how words means to me…they are normal, every day words, and I think everyone use it everyday in their lives.

Thank you- This makes me feel appreciated, only if you mean it.

I’m sorry- Doesn’t make much difference, because sorry have no cure.

Good morning- Makes me think that you are glad for me to be alive, to be able to wake up and face the day again, to breathe the same air as yours for another day.

Good night- Soothes me, for my day might not be a good day.

Sweet dreams- Makes me feel like a child I longed to be once again, for only little girls and little boys truly have sweet and innocent dreams.

Goodbye- Will not last forever if you keep me in your heart and thoughts.

I love you- Is not the word I say easily, or accept easily, because I want you to truly, maddeningly mean it when you say it to me.

I want you- The bloody word that made me fall in love. Fall hard.

How are you?- Makes me feel that you care for me.

I could go all night long, listing what little, common words means to me, but at the end of the day, when people says those words to me, I want them to mean it, not just because it’s a polite gesture. I wonder… how many of you truly meant what you said? Did you say it because of habit? Because it is what expected of you? Or did you truly mean it?

Yours sincerely,


P.S. Words means nothing when you don’t mean it.


  1. tuti says:

    how are you, cleffairy? (yes i mean it)
    i hope you’re feeling alright. (yes i mean it too)
    you makan your supper already? (nope, just saying for fun)
    i hope you’ll have a good night’s sleep tonight. (totally mean it)
    it means so much to be able to sleep without nightmares. (i sympathize with you when you get bad dreams)
    now i should scoot off. (before you get sick of reading my mind)

  2. Uncle Lee says:

    Hi Cleffairy, nice interesting posting. Words…..Very true in today’s fast pace life.
    Sincerity is sometimes just a word without meaning…..without feelings.
    Then again, sometimes the little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person’s life….the touch of a hand, a smile that can take the place of words.
    Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
    And no smile is as beautiful as those that come thru tears.
    You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, best regards, Lee.

  3. eugene says:

    And I love you as i have already regarded you as my lil sister, and i appreciate you for being my friend, and i thank you for continuing to call bro,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  4. claire says:

    helo Cleffairy, a serious greeting to u…
    Sorry Cleffairy – for last night i was not there for u…but i left my gmail on when i left…
    Goodnight Cleffairy – when i say that, it means i m going to sleep and hope u have a really good night too…
    Goodbye Celffairy – I got to go now for my lunch, hope to chat with u tonite before i fly off… 🙂

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