Hari Raya Celebration with OLDTOWN White Coffee

How was your Hari Raya celebration, folks? Mine was pretty quiet. Did not go to any open house except for one by OLDTOWN. For those who are not familiar with OLDTOWN is a kopitiam franchise that offers a variety of food and beverages that are clean, pure and suitable for Malaysian palates. OLDTOWN White Coffee has also successfully complied with JAKIM to ensure the ingredients and services are adhered to Halal standards

 photo MrTanSayYapCorporateRelationsDirectorofOLDTOWNBerhadhappilycheeringandposingwiththeorphansfromRumahAmalCahayaTengkuAmpuanRah_zps654795cb.jpg

OLDTOWN White Coffee’s inaugural Hari Raya Open House was held at its outlet in Bandar Baru Bangi attracted a huge crowd of more than 2000 people from Bangi and its neighbouring vicinities.

 photo ChildrenfromYayasanSunbeamsHomeYayasanChowKitandRACTARwereentertainedbyaclownonstilts_zpsee7dcfec.jpg

Visitors at the open house were there not just to savour OLDTOWN’s special Hari Raya delights but also to join in the excitement of a carnival-like event with exciting line-ups of fun games, contests and stage performances.

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Hunny Madu, Malaysia’s sought-after talent who was also the master of ceremony at the event, wooed the crowd with her wit and charm as well as her renditions from her latest album.
 photo Kidscompetingtogivetheirbestatacolouringcompetition_zpsaba5fc56.jpg

Approximately 100 children from the less fortunate homes namely Rumah Amal Cahaya Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (RACTAR), Yayasan Sunbeams Home and Yayasan Chow Kit were also treated to a sumptuous meal and fun activities at the event. OLDTOWN through its CSR arm, OLDTOWN Children Care Fund (OCAF), also handed out Duit Raya and some goodies to the children who were present at the open house.






  1. dinosaur dating site says:

    What a fun filled event to benefit the needy. I must be frank to say that I am a coffee addict and always buy many brands of ready mix coffee to drink. At the end of the day I still like the original of OLDTOWN white coffee 3-in-1. They don’t need to reward me for apple polishing but it is true.

  2. mun says:

    I ate at Old Town when they were having the dulang promotion during the Raya period. Good of them to be giving back to the community by having a children care fund.

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