I’m thinking of you…

I was feeling a bit sulky last night and I got irritated pretty easily. Must be the damn hormones wreaking havoc in my body again. (No… I’m not pregnant… not that I know of) Either that, or it’s simply the nasty weather that gets under my skin.

God have a very funny way of reminding of things and cheering me up, though. When I went out with my husband for some supper, I saw these at the hawker’s stalls.

It says:

Have you joined the facebook of Sarawak Kampua Noodles? (Good grief, now I’ve seen everything…what else is not on FB?)

And this…

Pete’s Kitchen.

Did you know what I thought of? The moment I saw these… I was instantly cheered up… cuz I thought of STP and Pete.

The Kampua noodles  stall reminds me of STP who is constantly luring people to Sibu, Sarawak to visit him and try all of those well famed Sarawakian delicacies such as Kampua Noodles.

You see, I wasn’t really feeling at the top of the world when I was browsing around for supper… but the very second I saw this, I remembered STP’s advice where one should live one day at a time, and take the world as it is, instead of how I want it to be. (Re: Serenity Prayer.) I was soothed then.

And then, the second stall really reminds me of Pete, a foodie blogger whom I have been friends with for 2 years. It made wonder if Pete has opened up a stall and did not inform us fellow bloggers for the fear of being raided? LOL…Hmm… Pete… is this your stall? LOL… aww… come on, tell us… these days… I do food review for free, you know? All you need to do is just feed me, and I will review for you. FOC. ROFLOL!

Cleffairy: God have a very special way of telling me that I am not alone, no matter where I go. When I’m feeling down, He sent me signs everywhere… just to let me know that He is around, and all I need to do is just talk to Him, because He is listening, and everything will be all right again.


    • Cleffairy says:

      Yea… everything seems to be on fb these days. Why was I a specimen? Ohh… I have chronic bronchitis and a loose valve in my left ventricle… that is why when the hospital are having cardiology subject and whatnot, the interns would be flocking around my bed! GRRR!

  1. suituapui says:

    Did you try the kampua? Hope it’s not a bluff – not the same one…just someone who is also on Facebook. Hey! Thay guy not Pete lah! Pete really kurus one, your gang! LOL!!!

    • Cleffairy says:

      No, I didn’t try. Maybe next round…we already ordered other things to eat by the time we saw the kampua stall.

      Not Pete ah? Ish… too bad then. Sobs… no free food~ LOL.

  2. Annie Q says:

    WOW!! Kampua! Is it a stall there selling kampua? Last night i went to the coffee shop that i eat frequent, want to ease my kampua crave, but but, IT CLOSED DOWN ALREADY!!! *sob sob sob*

    Pete’s Kitchen? when i see that picture, i thought that is open by Pete!! hahahhahhaha

    • Cleffairy says:

      Hi Annie… lol… yes, the stall is selling kampua noodles. This stall is in Prima Setapak, Setapak. Mebbe you might wanna have a look. LOL.

      I din try this, cuz already ordered other things to eat… so dunno whether it’s nice to eat or not. LOL… gonna try it next round. 😀

      Yalorr… exactly my thoughts… I thought Pete opened a stall too! LOL.

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