Taman Negara Eco Escapade: Midnight Fishing in Taman Negara

Feeling particularly pumped up with adrenaline after our jungle night walk and unable to sleep after we went back to Han Rainforest Resort, the owner took pity on us and brought us for some midnight sightseeing with their 4WD and a nightcap after that.

We were then brought to the riverside for some midnight fishing.

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A favourite fishing spot among anglers in Taman Negara.

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Preparing the bait to angle in some fishes.

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A closer look at the bait.

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Pahang is famous for their Patin Tempoyak, and being a somewhat an urbanite, I never once dreamed that I would be catching one off the plate, but life is full of surprises and here’s a huge one, fresh from the river.

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The fish is definitely huge and I was told that a Patin fish this big worth well over RM2,000 if we’re to sell it off but rules are rules. The fish is over 2kg and should you caught any fishes in Taman Negara that is over 2kg, you will have to release it to maintain a healthy ecosystem and a healthy food chain among the wild. You are only allowed to keep those below 2kg. And so, with a heavy heart, we released it back into the river where it belongs.

While I was a little disappointed that we won’t be having any Patin Tempoyak for lunch the next day, it was still a wonderful thing to experience.

Catching your own meal from the river is certainly not an easy feat and requires a lot of patience.

For those families that would like to experience some midnight fishing, you may have your trip arranged by appointment with Han Travel.

Our trip was sponsored by Han Travel/Han Rainforest Resort and MITA. Han Travel provides one of the best transportation and accommodation arrangement to Taman Negara, so look them up for fuss free experience in Taman Negara at an affordable price.

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Apart from reading this blog, the updates on our trip can be looked up on social media like Facebook and Instagram by using the official hashtag #GoDomestic #dekatje #mitatourismfair and my personal hashtag #ellietravels #kembaradekatje and #kembarabayau.

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