Beautiful and Elegant With Neng Geulis

Whenever I looked at myself in the mirror these days makes me feel that a lot of clothes and dress does not flatter me. I always look like an anorexic whenever I put on a dress. But one fine day, I put on a traditional nyonya kebaya that I inherited from my late grandmother and went for my husband’s colleague’s wedding, and I realized that I actually look good in traditional clothing. They flatters me and hides my flaws and makes me look not only chic and elegant, but stunningly beautiful too.

I suppose, the controversial Felixia Yeap (formerly a very sexy model and a Playboy bunny) more or less feels the same way too when she decided to be the first non-Muslim in Malaysia to wear clothing that covers her aurah full time. Truth be told, I feel quite inspired by her, and although I don’t don hijab the way she does, I do find that such way of dressing up makes a woman looks much more respectable. Many bashed Ms. Yeap for donning hijab, but seriously speaking, I respect her for that, as it is not easy for one to cover up her aurah, what more when we live in a country where most have this mindset where hijabs are supposed to be exclusively for Muslims. To me… whether you are a Muslim or not, it doesn’t matter. If wearing clothing that covers up your body makes you feel comfortable, then you should just go for it. In truth, it’s much better than wearing scantily clad clothing.Ā  There is nothing wrong in wearing like a Muslim. It does not make you less human and having chatted with Ms. Yeap herself the other day when I visited Neng Geulis booth during Busainna Sale at Menara TM, I realized that wearing hijab does not make you a backward person. Her inspirational wisdom says as much.


Felixia Yeap and Hadiania Sujadi, founder/director of Neng Geulis Hijab



Felixia Yeap and her mother, who has been a pillar of her support.


So, what was I doing at a Muslimah clothing sale? What was I looking for? Well, I’m a huge fan of shawl. As of writing, I have plenty of shawls in my wardrobe, and I thought that perhaps I could loot something from the sale. šŸ˜›Ā  Not sure if my husband approves my spending, but then again, he never complains whenever I buy some shawls to accessorize with my clothing despite the fact that he knew that I have tonnes of them in my wardrobe. So yeah… I take that as a sign of unconditional support and approval. šŸ˜›


I had my eyes on this piece the other day when I was browsing at Neng Geulis booth. Very beautiful, don’t you think? Ugh, I wish I can have this one! The lace is delicately beautiful!


And this pink blouse too, but unfortunately for me, the beautiful clothings would have to wait as I’ve splurged quite an amount of money on shawls and traditional clothings earlier on. šŸ™ So these… these will just have to wait. šŸ™

For those who likes Muslimah clothing or is looking for some beautiful and elegant clothing for this upcoming Ramadan and Raya, you might want to check out Neng Geluis Hijab Facebook Pageor hop over to their website tri cities wa dating

They have plenty of beautiful, high quality Muslimah clothing sold at an affordable price.





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