Online Casino Games

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Online gambling should be fun and casino games online should not become a hazard to your wallet. But still, the hope to have just the slightest chance on the “Big Win” keeps players gambling longer and that increases the amount of money the casino gets. The longer a gambler plays on a single table or machine the more likely it is the house will win. Let’s face it, gamblers, that’s a fact.

The main reason the majority of all players don’t win is because of their own greed, and most of them have unreasonable goals for how much money they want to make by the end of the game.

Mostly they start out good and win a couple of games but when someone starts winning, he wants to win more and more. So he keeps betting more money and, as a result of this, loses more money due to his higher bets. This is of course not the fault of the online casino, it is just the player’s greediness for money.

After someone starts losing it is very unlikely that he just stands up and plays a different game or gambles on a different table, until he has at least the amount of money back he had when he started out. So he will keep playing until the whole bankroll is gone.

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Online gambling should be fun and should not become a hazard to your financial well being. But still, the hope to have just the slightest chance on the “Big Win” keeps players gambling longer and that increases the amount of money the casino gets. The longer a gambler plays on a single table or machine the more likely it is the house will win. That’s a fact.

The main reason the majority of all players don’t win is their own greed, and most of them have unreasonable goals for how much money they want to make or win. Mostly they start out good and win a couple of games but when someone starts winning, he wants to win more and more. So he keeps betting more money and, as a result of this, loses more money due to his higher bets. This is of course not the fault of the online casino, it is just the player’s greediness for money. After someone starts losing it is very unlikely that he just stands up and plays a different game or gambles on a different table, until he has at least the amount of money back he had when he started out. So he will keep playing until the whole bankroll is gone.

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