Savour  the Delightful Taste of Tradition with Nestlé Aiskrim Potong

With the tagline “Ukir Senyuman dengan Sepotong Kenangan ” (Savour  the Delightful Taste of Tradition) Nestle aims to create happy family moments by reliving tradition, Nestle launched their new, all time Malaysian Favourites Aiskrim.

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It comes in the local Classic flavours such as the Sirap Bandung and Coconut Gula Sago Melaka in the form of “ice cream potong” which is one of the first in Malaysia.

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Nestle Aiskrim TRADISI Potong is available in hypermarkets and supermarkets nationwide and it comes in multipack of 8 stick per pack at an affordable price of RM 7.90. Comes with the variants of Sirap Bandung, Gula Melaka or even Red Bean depending your preference.

 For more information, you may visit their website HERE

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