Scalp Treatment and Maintenence at e3 Salon Masjid Jamek

Most people pay a lot of attention on how they look and how they style their hair, but how many of you out there actually care about your scalp? Personally, this is something I don’t really care about until my recent visit to e3 Salon Masjid Jamek.

I had no idea how important it is to maintain a healthy scalp until I was told that unhealthy scalp could not only result to itchiness, but bad circulation as well, which consequently will contribute to hairloss and unhealthy hair.

When I decided to have a makeover at e3 Salon Masjid Jamek, my stylist noticed that my hair lacks volume and obviously started thinning. I admitted to having frequent hairloss, especially when I combed my hair after washing them.


He gave me a little consultation on getting my scalp treated and here’s sharing with you my experience during my visit to e3 Salon Masjid Jamek.


My scalp was scanned by using this scanner machine. This machine enable you to analyse both your hair and scalp condition prior to any makeover that involves chemical that you want to do. It is a common practice in this salon to scan their customer’s scalp and hair before bleaching, dye-ing or even perm their customer’s hair. This is to decide what’s best for customers and to decide if certain hairstyling procedures would agree with them as to reduce the risk of damaged hair or irritated scalp.


Here’s a closeup scan of my scalp. Pretty disgusting looking. Apparently, I had quite alot of dead cells, and accumulating excess sebum in my scalp that contributes to not only itchiness, but hairloss as well. These particles and dead cells clogged up the hair roots and they prevent new hairgrowth. The undesirable things are removed by combing them away by using high frequency comb and washed away by using shampoos that will help treat the scalp and prevent hairloss after dye-ing my hair.


The special combs that’s used to brush away the accumulating dirt on my scalp. The transparent looking one is electronically operated and tune to high frequency to help comb out the dirts and dead skin cells.


Three Selective Professional products are used during the treatment; Selective Professional ON Care Detoxygen Shampoo, Selective Professional ON Care Stimulate Shampoo and Selective Professional ON Care Pure Balance Lotion.


Selective Professional ON Care Detoxygen Shampoo is used for exfoliation, detoxifying and anti-smog treatment, for hair weighed down by smog, excess sebum and dandruff. Thanks to the purifying, protective and anti-polluting action of Moringa Extract it cleanses, exfoliates and stimulates cells renewal, removing excess of sebum and smog residues. It guarantees the correct oxygenation of the scalp, leaving the hair stronger and looking glossier.

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Selective Professional ON Care Stimulate Shampoo on the other hand specifically cleanses while rebalancing the physiological process, preventing hair loss and strengthening weakened hair. It also reinvigorates and thickens hair structure.

Here’s reasons why you should treat your scalp regularly:

1. For better hair growth

To prevent hair loss, and allow healthy hair growth, protecting your scalp and its hair follicles is key.

2. For a clean and problem-free scalp

Product buildup and blockage on scalp can give way to major problems such as pimples on scalp or even irritation. Do scalp treatment or scalp detox session every now and then to clear away these impurities. Keeping dirt and excess oil away from the scalp will help with the circulation and encourage healthy hair growth.

3. For healthy hair

Frequent coloring and dyeing can make the hair dull or fried. Regular hair maintenance helps keep the luster and glossy shine.

4. To avoid dandruff

Dandruff happens when excess sebum is secreted by the follicles, leading to an excessively oily scalp. Scalp treatmwnt therapies can also regulate the sebum production, preventing dandruff from occurring.

Here’s sharing with you the video of the entire treatment process.

Don’t take scalp treatment for granted. I’ve been very ignorant and if you think hair maintenance only means going for restorative processes only after your hair has taken damage from the environment, then you are sorely mistaken. Hair and scalp maintenance is as important to your hair as physical exercise and a healthy diet is to your body.

For more information on scalp treatment, you may consult dating someone who has hsv 2. They did a pretty good job on me.

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