Remember my previous entry where I mentioned I had a blast in iTalk Whoa launching party? Some of you asked me what is iTalk Whoa.
So what’s iTalk Whoa? Elementary my dear readers, iTalk Whoa is a Unified Messaging and Convergence platform providing single-point-access to Messaging & Collaboration systems.
In other words, iTalk Whoa provides a service that would enables you to synchronize your numerous email accounts as well as social networking sites to enable it to connect, communicate and collaborate with your families and friends in just one web portal.
WHOA! That would mean by using iTalk whoa, you get to do many things in just one web portal. It’s great isn’t it? Talk about Internet revolution. By using iTalk Whoa, you can email, SMS, make calls, connect with instant messaging and even read your favorite news through just one portal. Yes, JUST ONE PORTAL.
Sounds too good to be true? Well, believe it, because it’s true and made possible by iTalk Whoa. Staying connected with the world is just clicks away with iTalk Whoa. Efficiency at it’s best, and this product is suitable for those who are always on the go as well as lovebirds who are kept apart geographically.
Basically, iTalk Whoa! is made of:
♥Push eMail
♥Calendar & Task Organizer
♥Instant Messaging (IM)
♥Voice Call
♥Web SMS
♥Social Networking Streams
As of late, I’ve been given an opportunity to test the product before it’s launching. I’ve been given an iTalk card and so, I went ahead to their website and use the prepaid card to test the functions, etc. And must say that it’s quite convenient to use. Please allow me to elaborate.
Their webmail is a standards-based webmail server which enable different emails accounts to be viewed in one portal. To make long story short, iTalk Whoa is integrates with major webmail services such as MSN, Yahoo! as well as Gmail. It is also integrated with standard compliant corporate email servers. Sounds complicated? Well, it’s not. Actually, iTalk Whoa email service is some sort of email client software, like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. It it is capable of fetching your emails from your Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Live/Hotmail and other email services so that you can read your emails from different accounts from iTalk Whoa email.
It also provide real-time true push of emails & attachments, so you don’t have to worry about your emails being delayed or bounced back. It also works with IMAP, POP3, Exchange Servers and other standard protocols. Their RSS allows the users to have a quick update on current news and entertainments as well.
Push Email
Another convenient thing about iTalk Whoa is that it enables enable emails to be pushed to your mobile. Everything is a real-time true push of emails & attachments, and the great thing about this that it works well with any mobile device without the need of a local client.
Calender and Task Organizer.
For those who are familiar with Google calendar will definitely be pleased to find that iTalk Whoa also enables you to organize your dates, appointments and whatnot. So… for those forgetful and empty headed men and women out there, go ahead and organize yourself with iTalk Whoa Calender and Task Organizer. With iTalk Calender and task Organizer, one should have no fear of being late for an appointment, a romantic date or even your own wedding anymore. Brides rejoice, no more late grooms making you stand at the altar, and you can now take your vows on time.
Instant Messaging (IM)
I have loads of IM accounts. I’ve been using Yahoo Messenger, Gtalk, as well as MSN Messenger, and I found that it’s annoying to login all of these accounts altogether to chat with my buddies online, as login in too many messenger all at once would make my PC lag. So all these while, I’ve been using Pidgin to login all of my account and just use Pidgin to chat with my buddies who are using different kind of messenger.
iTalk Whoa IM is something like Pidgin messenger. All you need to do is just insert the login info of your various messenger and whoa, you get to just login one messenger to chat and yak non-stop with your buddies on different messengers. This is definitely better than logging into all of your messenger simultaneously. Admit it… it can get kinda confusing when you attempt to chat on your MSN, YM or even Gtalk simultaneously. With iTalk Whoa, you never have to fear sending wrong, embarrassing message to people whom you don’t intend to send the message to. Gosh, imagine sending “My boss is a complete bimbotic fool! I wish I can slap his face” to your boss when the message is originally intended to be sent to your BFF! Say no to those awkward situation anymore. Use iTalk Whoa instead!
Voice Call
Cyber lovers, and those who are in long distance relationship, iTalk Whoa is definitely for you. If you’re feeling lovesick and miss your darling who is oceans away, those sweet nothings and sexy whispers is just a few clicks away with iTalk Whoa. I did mentioned in my previous entries that I’m not quite a believer of a long distance relationship, right? Well, I still don’t believe it. Because I like physical affection. But with iTalk Whoa, perhaps long distance relationship might just work, as iTalk Whoa enables the users to communicate from PC to phone like Skype. You may ask me why use iTalk Whoa when you can use Skype. Well… iTalk Whoa gives you a lower rate. That’s why. That’s reason enough to use iTalk Whoa.
It is also interesting to note that iTalk also enables the users to send sms from it’s web portal. Convenient, isn’t it? Instead of typing on your mobile phone’s small keypad, you can just type your SMS directly from your keyboard and send your message to the number of your choice. It can be a local mobile, international mobile or even fixed line mobile.
iTalk Whoa also provides synchronization of data between desktop applications, mobile devices and vice-versa. The synchronization includes emails, contacts, calendar, notes, to-do lists as well as messages.
Social Networking Streams
Have no fear, facebook and twitter lovers. iTalk Whoa never forgets you. iTalk Whoa is integrated with most famous business and social networking services. You can point your various social networking site by using iTalk Whoa interface.
Kindly note that iTalk Whoa is aimed for Windows users. I’ve tried to use other Operating System with other browsers besides Internet Explorer to test iTalk Whoa, but to no avail. It doesn’t work with browsers other than Internet Explorer, I’m afraid. I’m not quite sure why, cuz this stuff is supposed to be portal based and all web browsers should be able to access the iTalk website. Couldn’t access the website with MAC OS either.
Anyway, my PC is a dual-boot PC, so when I couldn’t access the iTalk website from my Ubuntu by using my Mozilla Firefox, I booted up my Windows to test it with Internet Explorer, and it seems to be fine. I have fear for viruses and trojans. Paranoid of them, actually, but security wise, iTalk is safe. It provides:
* Digital Certificates for establishing Network connection using Secure Sockets
* Layer (SSL) Protocol with end-point security management
* Stored data accessible by all users within or across security domains
* Full anti-virus, anti-spam controls
iTalk Whoa also supports:
* AES encryption
* Application Certificates
* Active Directory & Group Policy with role-based administration
* Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) encryption
Whoa… iTalk Whoa certainly have a lot of things to offer, isn’t it? I’ve tried it, and it made me say ‘Whoa’, all because of their all in one communication concept. With iTalk Whoa, staying connected is just clicks away, so what are you waiting for? CLICK HERE to go to the iTalk Whoa website and I believe you’ll say WHOA too!
Cleffairy: Please note that to use iTalk Whoa… you’ll need IE6. It doesn’t work with other browser.
ITalk Whoa is a Unified Messaging and Convergence platform providing single-point-access to Messaging & Collaboration systems. iTalk Whoa provides and interface that enables users to synchronize all the email accounts, social networking sites to enable them to connect, communicate and collaborate with their families and friends.
You can email, SMS, make calls, connect with instant messaging and even read your favorite news through just one portal.
signed up dy dat day after witch posted up entry bout iTalk whoa, but geram la y stil dont support chrome?! I dnt like ie. grrr…
I oso hate IE to the max. Slow. I use Firefox. I summore not using windows…. they are not supporting Mac or Linux.
SIEN oso..hope it will be supported soon.
hahaha! tu la telampau smart u! ie sucks! firefox n chrome nice n fast!
Not terlampau smart.
It’s because last time, I used windows… the pc was virus infested. I watched too much nottie things… 
Although it only able to be used with IE, but dunno y, it crashed my IE.
i hate windows.
proprietary OS sux
IE is jinxed! Got vampire, pontianak, and dead trojans inside! Scary!
woi…what pontianak…kakaka…pontianak not gud using computer la
Who say not good…. according to Pete, ghost, pontianak and vampire these days very pandai guna computer wan… summore pakai Hellnet!
only IE6 ar….i am using google chrome leh and firefox previously, i must say hor google chrome is amazing, try it, you’ll love it, tat is if u havent lar….
I tried chrome…dono why, not ngam.
So shifted back to the firefox. Haizzz…
Lol, good progamme with bad browser~
Yeah, indeed… good programme, bad browser…
But… in my opinion, there’s still room for improvement on the damn thing.
majority of the codes of that web apps needed to be debug.
there is too much error in its codes.
Certainly there’s room for improvement. I hope they can make it compatible with other browsers.