Tedmi Malaysia Fun Retreat: Bicycle Ride to The Beach

Let me tell you a secret. I’m not an early riser. Never was and never will be. If you asked me to describe myself, I’d pretty much tell you with conviction that I’m a vampire. I sleep late and I like to wake up late. Not many could understand, but as a writer, I feel that I’m much more relaxed and productive at night. Darkness is my friend, but during my previous trip with Tedmi Malaysia to Wave Rest House & Cafe, I was required to wake up as early as 6pm to get ready for a bicycle ride to the nearby beach.

Did I complain? Well…I’ll be honest. I did grumbled a little bit when they gave us a wake up call. And I was very cranky that morning but for what it’s worth, it was really worth all the troubles. I have forgotten when I actually see the sun slowly rises over the horizon, and it was such a beautiful thing.

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Anyway, bicycle ride to the beach is a part of the planned activities by Wave Rest House&Cafe, and here’s us, before setting out for the beach, which is about 5km away. It may be quite far, but everyone was positively pumped up for it.

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There’s plenty of landmarks to see along the way, but we didn’t stop at any of it for a selfie or two as the entire group was more than eager go be at the beach as soon as possible.

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I got to admit, after more than 13 years of no riding bicycle, this particular activity is quite a feat and I got left behind quite often. Luckily for me though, I have my husband watching my back most of the time. And course, the Tedmi Malaysia team has assigned 4 personnels as security team to follow us from behind.

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Breathtaking green views along the way to the beach, but I nearly cry here. There are so many snakes. I mean dead snakes on the road. I hate them. Dead or alive, they freak me out. 🙁

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Fishermen village spotted while on the way to the beach.

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After the long ride, we finally reached the nearby beach, Pantai Indah.

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The view was worth a thousand words.

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Soothing and healing, I must say. Definitely worth all the troubles.

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The beach was rather murky and rocky, so it’s definitely not for swimming.

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It is great for sightseeing and seashell collecting, however. Just check out the seashells.

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See what I mean? There’s so much of them.

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The children took the opportunity to collect them to bring home as souvenir and so did I. 🙂

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Anyway, after awhile, our host asked if we want to walk to ‘the middle of the ocean’ via a rocky path since it was still low tide that morning. He promised us that it will be worth all the troubles and the view would be instagram worthy. Being an adventurous lot, we said yes, of course.

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The rocky path is about 1km towards the sea, with breathtaking view. It’s actually fishing and mussels harvesting spot, but the locals have an interesting story about it. I was told that if you walked to the end of the path on a full moon, you will be able to reach the entrance to the Dragon King’s palace. Whether or not there is really a dragon kingdom at the end of the path, in the middle of the ocean, I will never find out as the tide is always high on a full moon night, but it was an interesting story nevertheless.

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The rocky path is extremely slippery, so ladies, this is a place where you can act like a cute damsel in distress and guys, this is where you can play a macho hero.

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Romantic movie in progress. 😛 okay, okay. I better stop teasing this lovely couple before they decided to get even and share my lovey dovey pictures with my husband that’s probably bordering to the 18 and above cinema rating 😉

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As I said, the path is really slippery and dangerous, but it is not impossible to walk on. All you need is good balance and supportive hands to help you along the way. 😉 If you are ever there, don’t be afraid to walk on this path. If my son can do it, so can you. Besides, the view is indescribable.

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Reached as far as the path could allow us. No dragon king or dragon kingdom in sight, but here’s a passing fisherman’s boat before we quickly walked back as the tide started to rise. A humbling experience, I must say. If there is one thing I learned by walking on the rocky path is that the nature is not something you can mess with. There are places you can’t reach, even if you try, and how small human are against these forces of nature. The sea is not always calm and can’t go against the tide, but when the sea is serene, do enjoy whatever majestic things it has to offer and etch it into your memories forever.

To experience all these and get away from the superficial world for awhile to explore the nature, you can hop over to Wave Rest House& Cafe. Their package starts from RM139 for adults and RM69 for kids on weekdays and from RM169 for adults and RM69 for kids on weekend and public holidays, inclusive of meals and planned activities. There are 9 available rooms and the entire rest house can cater up to 30 pax. The place is about 60km away from Kuala Lumpur. You may drive there using Waze: https://waze.to/lr/hw28413e6s.

Packages includes accommodation, seafood dinner, breakfast, bicycle riding to the beach, mangrove forest exploration tour, craft making and bird watching at the sea.

Details of the homestay is as below:

海•浪滔滔民宿(Wave Rest House & Cafe) 
Facebook: facebook.com/wavehomestay
Jalan Bagan Sungai Janggut, Batu 15, Jeram,
45800 Kampong Sungai Janggut,


  1. Hanniz says:

    I’m not much of a morning person either but as I get older the cycle is changing! I get sleepy earlier and get up earlier too! The cycling looks fun and what a cute puppy!

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