Tell me your love story…

The greatest love story ever told, is always your own. Tell me your love story. Any part of it. Share with me and the most touching and heart moving story would be receiving a little something from me in their mailbox, via snail mail.

Here is how you do it:

1. Write your love story and send it to my email, [email protected] before 15th April 2010.

2. The story must be from your own experience.

3. It should not be more than 5000 words.

Winner will be notified via email and their story would be published here in my blog to be shared with the readers.

In the event you wishes to just share your love story or seek love advice and remain anonymous, feel free to do so in the comment box instead.

This entry was posted in writing.


  1. CHVoon says:

    Anyhow… you want me to write less than 5000 words hehehe

    i support you this champaign – my spirit support! I cannot join this campaign… i hope this campaign success ok.

    if you really want me to write – it is very bored and only 3 words – I LOVE YOU.

  2. eugene says:

    I will always remember my love story,, and i will be happy to share,, i send you the email ok,,, something for me to do over the weekend, good on ya..

    have a great weekend

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