Warkah Terbuka Untuk Tuanku/Open Letter to Tuanku

AN:Scroll down for the English version. Since this is an open letter to Tuanku, I feel that it’s more proper to be written in national language. For those who could not read or understand Malay language, I wrote the English version for your reading pleasure.

Ke bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku,

Ampun Tuanku, beribu-ribu ampun. Patik dengan ikhlasnya mempersembahkan salam dan mendoakan kesejahteraan Tuanku. Patik dikenali sebagai Cleffairy oleh kenalan-kenalan patik. Tuanku tidak mengenali patik, tetapi patik adalah rakyat Tuanku yang berasal dari golongan kebanyakan. Patik menulis warkah ini kerana patik tidak tahu bagaimana patik boleh meluahkan isi hati patik kepada Tuanku. Patik cuma tahu yang Tuanku mendiami Istana Negara, dan sesungguhnya, patik tidak pasti sama ada protokol di-raja membenarkan warkah seorang rakyat yang berasal dari golongan kebanyakan, di persembahkan kepada Tuanku untuk tatapan lanjut. Oleh itu, patik membuat keputusan untuk menulis warkah ini di dalam laman blog patik, dan semoga dengan keizinan Tuhan, suatu hari nanti, Tuanku akan terlihat warkah ini dan meluangkan masa Tuanku yang amat berharga untuk membacanya.

Patik sentiasa menghormati dan menyanjungi institusi diraja dari dulu sehinggalah sekarang, dan tiada apa yang akan mampu mengubah pandangan patik terhadap institusi diraja, walaupun ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang menganggap institusi diraja adalah sekadar simbol yang menaungi negara Malaysia yang tercinta dan tidak patut mencampuri urusan-urusan politik negara. Pada pendapat patik yang serba hina dan kekurangan ini, institusi diraja adalah tempat mengadu rakyat di waktu yang penuh dengan kegusaran ini.

Tuanku, sesungguhnya patik berasa amat tertekan dengan keadaan politik semasa yang bagaikan dilanda tsunami dan ribut taufan yang tidak henti-henti. Patik tidak lagi boleh menonton berita dengan tenang tanpa memaki-hamun sendirian apabila melihat telatah dan gelagat ahli-ahli politik yang pada pendapat patik, adakalanya kurang sopan dan tidak beradap. Patik amat tersinggung apabila melihat rakyat jelata merana dalam kemiskinan. Kebajikan rakyat tidak lagi menjadi isu yang dipentingkan dan dibincangkan oleh ahli-ahli politik semasa. Orang yang kaya menjadi semakin kaya dan berkuasa, manakala rakyat yang miskin, menjadi semakin miskin dan tertindas. Ahli-ahli politik semasa seolah-olah membutakan mata dan memekakkan telinga terhadap rintihan rakyat jelata.

Kami, rakyat jelata berhempas-pulas untuk memulihkan keadaaan kami tanpa bantuan pihak kerajaan serta pembangkang yang membohongi rakyat bahawa mereka berjuang dan berusaha keras untuk kepentingan kami. Kadang-kadang, kita boleh mendengar kritikan mereka-mereka yang berkuasa bahawa kami, rakyat jelata tidak tahu-menahu tentang apapun dan hanya tahu mengkritik tanpa berusaha untuk memulihkan keadaan. Tetapi, patik harus menekankan bahawa kami perlukan pemangkin yang memungkinkan kami berusaha untuk memulihkan keadaan kami. Pemangkin yang paling baik adalah keutuhan dan kestabilan ekonomi. Malang sekali bagi kami, kerana kestabilan dan keutuhan ekonomi dengan keadaan politik semasa yang baik adalah bagai isi dan kuku. Jika keadaan politik semasa tidak menggalakkan, maka ekonomi juga akan terjejas.

Ampunkan patik kerana menyuarakan, namun adakalanya menonton sesi parlimen bersidang adalah menjengkelkan. Ini kerana ahli-ahli parlimen lebih cenderung berbahas dan melontarkan kata-kata kesat sesama sendiri daripada membincangkan isu-isu yang dianggap penting dengan tenang and bertatasusila. Perbincangan mereka jarang membuahkan hasil. Patik amat kecewa apabila melihat keadaan ini.

Ahli-ahli politik kini dahagakan kuasa, dan dalam perjuangan mereka untuk memperolehi mandat untuk memerintah, mereka seolah-olah tidak sedar bahawa keadaan ekonomi semakin meruncing. Patik amat gusar dengan keadaan ini. Andai keadaan ini berterusan, mungkin pelabur-pelabur asing tidak lagi berminat untuk melabur di Malaysia. Patik tidak berani untuk membayangkan akibatnya terhadap ekonomi negara yang semakin hari, semakin rapuh sekiranya pelabur-pelabur asing bertindak untuk tidak lagi melabur di Malaysia.

Patik juga amat risau akan keselamatan dalam negeri. Belalulah sudah masa dimana kami, rakyat jelata boleh keluar beriadah di hujung minggu dengan aman kerana adakalanya demonstrasi jalanan atas pelbagai tujuan dan sebab dicetuskan oleh pelbagai pihak yang sama ada mewakili parti-parti politik tertentu ataupun pertubuhan bukan kerajaan. Dahulu, semasa zaman Tun Dr. Mahathir masih lagi menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia, jarang kita lihat tercetusnya keadaan sedemikian. Mungkin rakyat kini merasakan bahawa dengan mendemonstrasi, itulah satu-satunya jalan untuk menyuarakan pendapat mereka. Rakyat tidak lagi mempercayai media-media massa untuk mewakili suara mereka yang berbaur ketidakpuasan terhadap keadaan semasa.

Kebelakangan ini, ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang melontarkan kata-kata yang berbaur perkauman, menyebabkan rasa tidak senang dan benci diantara satu sama lain. Pada pendapat patik, perkara ini tidak seharusnya berlaku kerana kita semua adalah sama. Kita rakyat Malaysia dan seharuskan mengamal sikap bertolak-ansur dan hidup dalam keadaan yang harmoni. Apa yang sensitif tidak seharusnya disuarakan dengan lantang dan bongkak sekali. Bukankah kita semua adalah anak bangsa Malaysia? Patik merayu Tuanku untuk betitah dan menegur mereka-mereka yang degil dan keras kepala ini dan seterusnya memulihkan keadaan.

Patik juga runsing dan tidak keruan apabila melihat akta-akta tertentu digunakan untuk menakut-nakutkan rakyat jelata. Adakalanya patik rasa kami telah kehilangan ‘suara’ kami. Dalam bidang kewartawanan dan berita, laporan yang bersifat neutral tidak lagi dapat dilihat. Apa yang diwarta dan dilaporkan adalah kebenaran yang terpilih dan telah ditapis, baik dalam media cetak ataupun elektronik. Bidang penulisan dan berita adalah langkah pertama untuk mecorak sejarah. Patik tidak tahu sejarah yang bagaimanakah yang akan kita catatkan dengan berita-berita yang penuh dengan skandal yang amat memalukan. Apakah yang wajar kita sampaikan kepada generasi seterusnya dengan apa yang telah dicatatkan sekiranya perkara-perkara seperti ini berterusan? Patik rasa seolah-olah telah ditampar di pipi apabila sahabat-sahabat warga asing mentertawakan apa yang berlaku di Malaysia apabila mereka terbaca berita yang dipaparkan. Mereka memperlekehkan negara kita kerana semakin lama, ahli-ahli politik yang terdiri dari pihak kerajaan serta pembangkang semakin berlagak dan kurang waras di dalam perjuangan mereka mengejar kuasa.

Patik cintakan Malaysia kerana sesungguhnya Malaysia adalah tanah tumpahnya darah patik. Patik benci apabila melihat kita diperlekehkan. Jika boleh, patik mahu semua ini dihentikan, tetapi apakan daya, patik cuma rakyat dari golongan kebanyakan yang langsung tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk berbuat apa-apa.

Semua ini wajar dihentikan segera, Tuanku. Kami, rakyat jelata tiada lagi tempat mengadu. Tuanku adalah harapan terakhir kami. Patik merayu dan memohon tuanku bertitah agar ahli-ahli politik berhenti bermain permainan politik serta psikologi dan mula berkhidmat untuk rakyat. Semoga dengan titah tuanku, mereka-mereka yang terlibat akan sedar dan seterusnya kesejahteraan serta kegemilangan Malaysia dapat di pulihkan.

Sebelum patik mengundurkan diri, izinkan patik memohon ampun sekiranya patik terkasar bahasa dan warkah ini menganggu fikiran Tuanku. Patik menjunjung kasih tuanku kerana sudi meluangkan masa membaca apa yang patik penakan. Akhir kata, izinkanlah patik mempersembahkan Tuanku dengan pantun empat kerat.

Batu permata berkilau-kilauan,

Menaikkan seri si anak raja,

Bila rakyat hilang pedoman,

Rakyat dan raja berpisah tiada.


Berjalan-jalan di taman bunga,

Ternampak pula merpati sejoli,

Bila rakyat memendam rasa,

Tuanku jua menenteram kami.


Yang benar,



Dear Tuanku,

I am a Malaysian citizen known as Cleffairy. You may not know who I am, but I am your citizen. I am humbly writing this because I do not have any possible way to reach you, Tuanku. I know that you live in the National Palace, but I am not sure if I were to write a snail mail to you, the letter would reach you safely. I am not sure if it’s allowed by the royal protocol for you to receive a letter by a mere citizen who is nobody . So I decided to write this open letter in my blog, and silently hope that somehow, with God’s grace, one day, you would stumble upon it and spare some of your precious time to read what I have to say.

I have always respect Royal institution, and I feel that in the time of chaos and unrest, it’s the royal institution that I should seek for solace and assurance. I have always feel that Kings and Queens in Malaysia plays a greater role in Malaysian politics than just being a mere symbol for citizen to look up to, even though there are people who think otherwise.

I am really depressed with the political weather in Malaysia and it comes to the point where I can no longer watch news on national TV without feeling angry at the way politicians been conducting themselves. I feel that the citizens are being neglected, where our welfare and well beings are no longer being taken care of. The rich are getting richer and seems to spare no thoughts about the poor, the old and the needy.

We, the citizens are actually suffering, and struggling to end our suffering without any assistance from the government or the opposition who claimed that they are working very hard to improve our lives. Every now and then we can hear people retort that we, the citizens know nothing and only knows how to complain, and do nothing to improve our lives, I must say that even though we try as hard as we might to improve our lives, we still need a catalyst to help us improve. Good and stable economy would be a good catalyst. Unfortunately stable economy comes hand in hand with stable politics environment.

I am truly sorry, but I really have to say that watching parliament session at times brings me so much hatred, because everyone seems to be bickering all day long, but no actual result comes out as the fruit of their discussion.

In the tug war of power, the politicians seems to be oblivious towards the plundering economy and the spiraling price of essential goods. I’m seriously worried that sooner or later, foreign investor would soon lost interest in investing in Malaysia. I shudder to imagine the consequences towards Malaysian economy if foreign investors are no longer interested to invest in Malaysia.

I am also deeply concern about citizen’s security. Gone are the time of peace where one can go out during weekends without worrying that there will be street demonstration conducted by various political parties/NGOs. While some of these demonstration appeared to be peaceful, but I truly believe that all of this it’s tainting the image of our beloved Malaysia. Malaysia used to be free from such display of expression during Tun Dr. M’s government, but now, street demonstration for various purpose can be seen at a rather alarming rate. Perhaps, people demonstrate because they felt that they no longer can trust the national media to represent their thoughts and unpleasant complaints.

Then there’s racial tension stoked by various individuals to provoke the sensitivity of one another. I felt that this ought to be stop once and for all, as we are living under one country. We should live in harmony, and we should not allow anyone to belittle one another. Are we all not the children of Malaysia? Please Tuanku, I beg of you to address this matter before it’s too late.

I am also concern about the abuse of power on certain act in order to instill terror among the citizen. I felt that somehow, we have lost our voice. Un-bias reporting could no longer be practice. Selected truth in journalism, be it print or electronic are practiced instead. Journalism is the first step to dictating history. I wonder what kind of history we are going to tell the next generation if these nonsense are allowed to continued further. Our newspapers and electronic medium are full of scandals. I felt like being slapped in the face by foreigner friends when they laugh at our country for being absurd. I love Malaysia, because I have no other country to call home. I do not wish to see Malaysia being ridicule further by foreigners.

All of this should be change, Tuanku. We, the citizens have no where else to turn to. Power thirsty and politicians who turn blind eyes towards our concerns and fear are everywhere.You are our last resort. I beg your royal intervention to put a stop to all of those nonsense our politicians are cooking up once and for all. Please, I humbly beg you to do anything in your power to return peace, security, assurance and access to truth to us.

I should put down my pen now. However, please accept my humble apology if there’s anything in my letter that displease you. Thank you, Tuanku, for lending your grace and reading what I have to say.

Yours truly,




The pantun is inspired by Sinatra_Z. His blog entry reminds me the art of pantun. I have long forgotten about it…the last time I wrote pantun is probably when I was in high school.


  1. cleffairy says:

    Kikey, these days, in Malaysia there are so many rumours and uncertainties. All of these caused havoc. πŸ™ Well, at least you are in US, at lest you do not have to cringe at some politicians behaviour once you tune in to watch news on national tv. πŸ™

    Seng…huwa… macamla jie is a Queen. πŸ˜›

  2. Garfield says:

    Anwar has said that he will try to reach the King if Abdullah Badawi refuse to held the emergency parliament meeting.

    i personally hope that the King will call for a parliament meeting.
    it is not that i want Anwar to have chance to announce the list of MPs who crossover for taking the government, but i hope that the King will dissolve the parliament so that no MP will crossover nor BN continue ruling.

    since both side also want the power of ruling, and MPs who are crossing over might get their reputation tarnished, it is better to dissolve the parliament and let then choose which side they want to join to serve the citizen, then only decide who rule the government by the seats they win at their side.

    some might think that i am talking crap for saying dissolve the parliament for the next general election since the last general election is over a few months ago. but if u do know the laws in Perlembagaan, u will know that the King have full rights of dissolve the parliament anytime he want if His Majesty thinks that the current parliament is not function for serving the citizen well like the situation we having now which all these politician now is concentrate only in politic, but not about serving the nation at all.

    there is a global economy crisis nowadays, but wat we can see much in the news is just about these politician is back stabbing each other by their press statement. even the ruling party government is not doing anything on trying to handle the impact that might cause by the global economy crisis.

    they are fighting each other, and us, the citizen is suffering. are they trying to make our currency RM value become as low as RP? if thats the case, i rather spend Rupiah than RM since RM value is going down everyday.

    Also, i hope that the King will order to change the Election Committee board members to new people, fresh faces which never approached by any side of the political influence to ensure that the election after the parliament dissolve is clean and fair.

  3. fergie says:

    Wah, Clef .. Ur command of BM excellent! May we tumpang ur letter to Tuanku? We have to keep the flame burning but there seems to be an ill-wind that’s not blowing us any good … Sigh .. depressing la. Have a good weekend and don’t start Monday in the toilet ok? πŸ™‚

  4. cleffairy says:

    Garfield, I hope that Tuanku can do something about this too, but I don’t think it’s possible for Tuanku to dissolve the parliament and decree for GE. You know why? Not because Tuanku have no power over parliament, but it’s because UMNO/BN will do anything in their power to stop Tuanku from interfering Malaysian politics. These days, royal institution have been suppressed from using their power, and the politicians are trying to spread ill words about royalties that it’s the royalty that are ‘power thirsty’ because they are trying to bring back feudalism power into practice. Those creeps actually have no respect for royalties, look at what happen after the GE? In Perlis and Terengganu…MB issue. Die die also they want to claim that their ass of a leader have more rights in appointing Menteri Besar. Such obnoxious disrespect. The royalties only manage to make the government to follow their wishes with rakyat’s support towards royal institution. this is actually good… King and Queens should get involve a little bit in government’s decision, so that those asshole who have the cheek to call themselves ‘wakil rakyat’ knows that who is actually their boss.

    Fergie…huhuhu…. try telling that to my ex-BM teacher…she always criticize my BM language. Huhuhu… and shamefully, I did not get an A for my BM paper…I resent it til this very day. I never write in BM also very long liao… iif letter to Tuanku comes out readible…then I am more than grateful d…I tot cacat-ed and karat lerr… You want to tumpang the letter? Tumpang lorr… wrote it also on the behalf of people like us, who are getting tired of political opera. you have a great weekend too. Dun be too depressed… go out wif your kids and play. πŸ˜›

    Pete…my command of BM is not that great, just enough to survive. Hahaha…you wouldn’t want to hear me speaking the language though…sounds very much like a Penang kampung girl, with very thick accent as bonus. πŸ˜›

  5. ktx says:

    lol. not bad malay for someone who has been abroad for so long huh? good on u. well, while i m away, i leave the country in yr good hands ok? lol.

  6. tangkup says:

    Dear Clef
    Your open letter is good but I doubt that the Agong will delve into it.
    I cannot agree more with you. I have been in politics b4 and I am sure most of your readers know politics better than me. I dare say that this is the worst Parliament ever!! Parliamentray proceedings are in disarray!!

    The quality of decorum, in the Parliamentary proceedings, has decayed and gone down the drain. The Parliamentarians are behaving worse then little kids: using foul unparliamentary languages; eg Malay Parliamentarians who point forefingers (in Islam using forefingers to point is forbidden and is haram!!!) at their opponents; YB Bochor la; Projek B*b* Negara la etc etc. The Parliamentarians are more powerful then the Speaker. They dont listen to the Speaker/Deputy Speaker of the Dewan. Unheard of behaviour. Very sickening!!!

    The Parliamentarians dont discuss issues which concerned the Nation and the Rakyats..such as the current adverse economic conditions including the rising cost of living; the slow delivery system for economic developments; rampant corruptions in the public sector which affect directly but adversely the efficency of the delivery system: For example the disbursements of funds to contractors are absolutely slow that contractors are unable to continue progressing. (I heard of contractors who have to make written undertakings to civil servants, in authority, that they have to commit a certain percentage of the payments to the civil servant, after the paymant is effected. These are some of the important and urgent issues which need to be addressed.

    We, as voters, put the Parliamentarians in Parliament. We should have the right to remove them, in the event that they do not perform. In this instant some have to be removed. However, we have to wait for the next GE13. Unless the current Parliament is dissolved sooner.

    This to me this is basically due to the weak quality and flip-flop style of leadership by Dato Seri AAB in UMNO, BN and the Government. This is also the view of many leaders including Tun Dr M …. Very sad indeed for Malaysia!

    In this scenario The Yang DiPertuan Agong is powerless and has no authority to interfere with the Executives except on the advice of the Cabinet. One exception though, Under Clause 4 of the Federal Constitution, The the Agong is the Commander-In-Chief and under Clause 43 (2) (a) The Agong has the power to appoint the Prime Minister.
    In the event that DSAI has the support of majority of the current Parliamentarians, and if the Agong grants an audience to DSAI and DSAI can prove the majority support then DSAI can be appointed as the next PM. Thence we may have some peace of mind.

    Cheers and enjoy your Cup of Tea!!

  7. fergie says:

    Hello Cleff .. My “kids” all grown up la .. no play hehe .. got a naughty granddaughter 8 yrs old. Wah .. I left comment on Sloone’s blod and a commenter TARUH me .. told me to read “international” news e.g. Bloomberg (????) and not only read blogs & MalaysiaKini .. betoi betoi long msg 2 me .. my blood pressure went up but not want to be rude so I apologised & said I would try to widen my reading .. aiyo .. business articles so dry n boring to me. Catch up wid u tomoro .. HUGGGSSSS

  8. cleffairy says:

    ktx… ,my BM? Okay la… enough to survive…but my spoken BM not so good. Sounds pretty weird. Good luck on your trip, ktx, be safe.

    Tangkup…. I doubt that my letter would reach Tuanku either… but heck, I can do nothing but try. It’s a last straw. What’s going on in the country is driving me absolutely crazie! Crazie, I tell you! With Pah Lah and Najib switching portfolio and stuff…. I dunno how absurd it can get further. I couldn’t agree more with you that in fact, we’re the one who actually put the parliamentarian in the house…we SHOULD have some sort of power to bring them out of the house if they’re not functioning.

    To say their behaviour is like Neanderthal men is an understatement… they obviously have no respect towards the citizens, towards the speaker, and toward themselves. As of late, they are discussing matters that does not concern citizen’s benefit at all. It’s truly sickening to see their discussion. They forgot that they are supposed to be serving the citizens, not themselves. I’m not really looking forward to after Ramadan, when the parliament will be back in session.

    The economy is not improving. Since the global economy is not helping either, I seriously think that Ringgit peg should be one of the effective way to protect Malaysia from being affected too much by the declining of the global economy. Bring back the ringiit peg, please! An old friend of mine, who was a contractor is forced to be a taxi driver because the development industry is slowly dying. πŸ™ Sad to see such things.

    Pak Lah lacks control. Whether his decision is right or wrong, he should have control over everything, but sadly, he have none. Tun was a better controller in whatever he do, and he made sure that his decisions is correct even though at first people will think otherwise . Pak Lah have no reigns over anything that he do and as a result, everything goes nuts.

    The Agong is not allowed to interfere on how his Prime Minister govern the country, however, since he’s the one who appointed the PM…I guess he also can sack the PM…but as I recalled there’s an article in Federal Constitution which mention that if the PM is sack, the cabinet will follow suit. Hence another GE will be made possible. I doubt it will happen though, THEY will make it not possible for Tuanku to do so.
    You enjoy your weekend too… πŸ˜€

    Fergie… whoa… you got a granddaughter oredi? Hmm… should I start calling you Grandma Fergie? You’re definitely a lot older than me. LOL. Hmm… Sloone’s blog… I’m not a regular visitor there, I’ll check it out later on what the asshole of a rude feller wrote to you. Some people really have no grace. πŸ™

    Yea, catch up wif u tomorrow… lemme go and become pig arr, still so tired…ohh… I go koon liao arr. πŸ˜›

  9. KevinP says:

    I think a lot has been said… about the bluff. Yet being presented with a golden opportunity to call the bluff, BN baulked at it. It has now probably given credence to Anwar that indeed he has the number and BN is stalling to find out who are the traitors so that they can dangle a bigger carrot maybe?

    Much as I hope the royalty to intervene this once, I really do not wish for the royalty to interfere too much into the nation’s politics, case of a double edged sword really… so we are caught between a rock and a hard place… πŸ™

  10. tangkup says:

    Dear Clef..
    ..a bit of correction Clause 41 not Clause 4 of the Federal Constitution..

    KevinP..agree with you bcos if d Agong interferes it shows that our nation is in quandry..which is almost true la.

    Anyway let AAB sort this out after all he is our CEO.

    God bless Malaysia.

  11. cleffairy says:

    Kevin… Tuanku’s intervention is better than US intervention any day. I fear that if things get out of hand, one of these days, the International Sheriff will start making noise and taking advantage of our political situation. Further more, our country’s leader is actually abusing human rights and freedom of expression by sumbat-ing people who spoke against them into ISA. Actually, to be frank, I also dun really like it if Tuanku have too much thing to say about politic matter, coz it’ll definitely throw our image in international eyes into the gutter. I wish that Tuanku would summon those party involve for an audience with him to resolve all this shits once and for all. If we don’t stabilize the politic soon…with the global economy plundering and we’re feeling the effect…things will get pretty nasty.

    Tangkup… thank you, thank you very much for clarifying… I was digging into my Federal Constitution lawbook, going nuts finding which Art and Clause you meant. Actually I don’t wish for Tuanku to intervene much, but I really would like Tuanku to assure the citizens and allow the citizens to regain confidence by REMINDING those bloody cows who spits bullshits everywhere that they are supposed to be working for us, not spitting nonsense. As much as I hope AAC will take this matter into his own hands, it seems that he is rather incapable of doing so. Even if he’s trying to resolve the matter, whatever he’s doing…doesn’t seem to work. This bloody CEO obviously needs a proxy…(but eh, I tot he already have a proxy? LOL)

    But then again… God bless Malaysia la… we really need the blessing.

  12. zarni says:

    i’m stunned after reading your warkah to our king.. Betul betul ikhlas but i think it is not only from yur heart but mostly from other Malaysian too. As i said again and again, this kind of politician should be shot & burn down in hell!!!! God Bless Malaysia!!!!!

    p/s i got your link from calvin…..

  13. cleffairy says:

    Hi Zarni… thank you for coming to my blog and read my articles. Politicians these days… *sigh* really put themselves first. Whatever they do, would be benefiting them first, not the people. But I believe God is fair… you see now, those things that they did, are coming back to hunt them. So all these nonsense that is going on in Malaysia, is not just about power struggle, but also a retribution from God. They can deny that they are corrupted and stuff, do whatever in their power to hide the truth, but I believe, one day, everything will be out in the open.

    In the time of political uncertainties, I think, Tuanku should come out to reassure the rakyat. Tuanku may not have any absolute power over the cabinet/parliament/government/opposition, but he definitely have the rights to voice up his opinion if he thinks that Malaysian government is not functioning the way it should.

    Not just bless Malaysia, God, please save Malaysia. LOL. πŸ˜›

  14. KevinP says:


    Ppl taruh you could be also because you were right and they feel the needle… don’t worry too much, lest your bp goes up.. :).


    Its true our nation is in disarray but the fact is, if the royalty being given too much prominence in the administrative areas of the country, there are serious repercussions. In many other countries, the royalties are now nothing more than figurehead of a country. We should as far as we can, resolve this within the confines of our Parliament. Anyway, thats only my 2sen worth of thoughts.


    International Sheriffs are having their internal financial turmoil that require almost USD1 trillion and that may not be enough. Imagine it will take 2 years of our budget to bail out fannie and freddie…. it will be pointless really at this point for them to bother Malaysia. Their efforts will be more towards the recalcitrant Iran and North Korea.

  15. Calvin says:

    great letter from a great person….seriously. anyways, since you have posted in bm, ive got a song (actually a gospel song in indon which ive converted by putting in gerejamu to malaysiaku). here goes :-

    berhembuslah, roh kudus di tempat ini
    berhembuslah, roh kudus dengan kuasaMu
    pulihkanlah Malaysiaku di akhir zaman
    berhembuslah, berhembuslah……sekarang

    Urapilah kami, dengan minyak baru
    penuhilah kami, dengan hadiratMu
    kami rindu Tuhan, melihat kuasaMu
    dicurahkan di tempat ini

    you can get the song’s transpose at this address

    as for me, i leave it all to God to perform His miraculous works. i am sure God do not want to see His people torn apart by irresponsible politicians…..so i am at peace. let them do whatever they want…..im only constantly praying.

  16. cleffairy says:

    Kevin, with the economy plundering, and their refusal to repeg the ringgit… I think things will get more and more horrible instead of improving. All these assholes…damn fucking stubborn and their ego must be constantly fed or else, they feel like they are being castrated. Nvm… nothing much we can do now. I think I’ll just watch them fuck themselves at the country’s expense. When all this shits are done someday, I’ll be expecting each and everyone of them being screwed badly by law. I’m actually referring to both government and opposition. Both tak guna. Damn fed up with what’s going on these days. No amount of advice or lecturing will be able to get into their sick dumb skull! Oh! If we’re living in an ancient China and I’m the emperor… I would definitely not hesitate to chop their head off for making our country so screwed up! As sadistic as this may sound, I truly believe that I’ll enjoy watching the head rolling into the basket and whatnot. *snarl*.

    Calvin… that’s such a beautiful hymn. If only by praying alone could settle everything. πŸ™
    God has been the source of inspiration for people around the world. But human, being human, uses God’s teaching to manipulate and gain power over one’s thinking. I wonder when will human stop using God’s name name to gain power over one another. When will the world truly be at peace? (I’m still having World Peace fever). That’s a question that no one over here can answer. πŸ™

    OMG, I am babbling… must be the chilli effect. Feel so hot and hot temper now! Must be the food I took.

  17. tangkup says:

    Hi to all..
    Now I remember how Tuanku Mirzan, in glove, interfered in the Trengganu impasse..re the appoinment of the Menteri Besar after the GE12. The process of appointment was quite tense but with Tuanku’s regal interference the whole process was done well.

    I sincerely believe that Tuanku can use his official influence to put the warring politicians back on their arses!! and start to govern our beloved Malaysia again. The rakyats are fed up wth the political bickerings..investors are shying away from Malaysia …and the economy is spiralling downwards. Lets hope our country will not become another Zimbabwee.

  18. cleffairy says:

    Yup, Tangkup, Tuanku did interfere, but indirectly at first. He used the ‘Pemangku Sultan’ council to interfere, cuz as Agong, he cannot directly interfere state’s affair unless it’s regarding to religion. I still remember the whole process of Terengganu MB appointment, where the BN fellers are so stuck up and stubborn that they refused to accept the King’s choice for MB. With the sleepyhead showing nasty attitude towards the king’s choice, citizens started to get pissed at him and applaud Tuanku’s action.

    Interference in MB appointment does not only happen in Terengganu, but Perlis as well. Remember Shahidan Kassim? Raja Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin refused to have him as MB, and the BN fellers end up have to comply with the king’s wishes.

    And once again it’s proven that the rakyat still listens and support what the king decreed. In this modern time where a country is governed by the government and not ruled by a king, the people still look up to the royalty. So, like you, I really agree that in the time like this, the king should speak up and bring back the politicians to the ground, and make them do what they are supposed to do in the first place, which is to govern and serve the citizens. Obviously they have forgotten that they are supposed to “Berkhidmat untuk negara”, not “Berkhidmat untuk parti”.

    *sigh* Actually, Tangkup, we, the rakyat, do not ask for much thing. We just want peace and prosperity, along with economy that is improving with each passing day. Unfortunately, the current government is not capable enough to make that happen, hence all the ‘rampas kuasa’ nonsense. Who can blame us for wanting a better Malaysia to live in?

  19. Calvin says:

    i believe god moves in mysterious ways. and i also believe all things happen for a reason. maybe, our malaysian politics have been in a bramble these past few months coz’ god wants them to be exposed. of course, we cant expect god to come down in lighting and bolts of thunder and zap all those morons away. he’s teaching us. ive never questioned god’s moves but to put extra effort in having faith in him. anyways, i think it is good for the agong to get involved in this because it is his rakyat who is suffering. i oso got to know from terengganu folks that this sultan is very fair and educated. he has to put a stop to all this…..cheers

  20. cleffairy says:

    Garfield… Fergie told me about it… if I’m not mistaken , HERE IS THE LINK.

    Calvin, yes, God indeed work in a mysterious way. So I guess we’ll just have to have patience and faith. (faith I have, but patience is long gone out of the window… anymore patience…my savings would be screwed!)
    Hmm… if want to compare…Kedah Sultan and Perak Sultan is way more strict with whatever nonsense going on in their country/state. Raja Perlis too. I guess, it’s because of their age and they realize that they actually have power to influence the citizens. Tuanku Mirzan on the other hand is way younger, and though he is fair and educated, he is still a modern monarch that adhere pretty much to the constitution… until the Terengganu MB fiasco, that is. Indeed he have to put out all this nonsense, seeing the government is abusing their power to instill terror to the citizens…dunno what the government will do next! oh! Kns! Update, RPK is forced to celebrate Raya in ISA and wun be out for 2 years…gosh…what’s next? Aiya, since they wanna sumbat RPK inside…might as well sumbat everyone who yumcha in mamak stall in ISA as well. Assholes la!

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