What sort of blogger are you?

What sort of blogger are you? Are you the kind who is disciplined enough to schedule up your blog entries beforehand for a period of time, or you’re the impromptu kind?Are you’re the kind who can write a few articles a day and publish it at once?

I know some of my blogger friends scheduled up their posts to be published at certain time of the day, and bloggers who write a couple of posts and post it up in a day, but I am not that sort of blogger. I am not discipline enough to do so, and even though I have so many things to share with my readers. Usually, I’ll just let those eventful events that I wanna share with people pass and let laziness takes over.

To me, blogging is some sort of writing therapy, and I don’t see a point of forcing myself to write because I know that if I’m not in the mood for writing, whatever I wrote will sound really half-hearted. As I’ve always say, I’m an author first, then blogger. And as an author, I would hate it if I sounded half hearted in any of my writings.

Of course, there are times that I’m paid to write certain articles and I would have no choice but to write and post those things up… but that is another story altogether.

Yes… I’m not really that sort of blogger who forced herself to write when she feels uninspired or blog hop and leave comment in other people’s blog just for the heck of maintaining traffic to my blog if I don’t feel like doing it. You see, these days, I feel much more comfortable keeping in touch with close blogger friends through various social media: eg: Facebook and Gtalk. It’s faster and much more effective means of communication, I kid you not.

I know, I’m getting extremely lazy. I’m just making excuse for myself, aren’t I? But hey, you can’t blame me… I hate routine… and I also hate it whenever I have to veil whatever I wanted to write for the sake of others, so yea… sometimes blogging is not very exciting, not very therapeutic and not fun anymore. Well, at least… being ‘Cleffairy’ is no fun anymore. Being my other alter egos, however, is still fun. 😛

Okay, I’m blabbing, I know…so, back to what I wanna ask you folks… what sort of blogger are you? Are you the kind who are always inspired and can write a couple of articles per day for your blog? Or you’re the steady kind who never fail to schedule up your posts beforehand? If you don’t feel like writing, but would still like to get people to your site, you can find SEO articles from Article Writing Services.


Cleffairy: Apart from original works, I used to write fanfiction in my youth. There’s tonnes of my fanfiction works out there. But I quit writing fanfiction. You know what happened? Well, I got bored because it was no longer therapeutic and I got no thrill out of it. Lately, I started to feel the same about blogging. So should I start singing “In the search of freedom, and peace of mind, I left my memories behind?” all over again?


  1. suituapui says:

    I’m disciplined in the way that I never miss out one single day. As for having things to talk about, it’s the same as talking, isn’t it? When people meet, they will never run short of things to talk about…so what’s the problem? Anybody who’s not interested is not obliged to stay, read and comment. Like those paid posts, I wouldn’t comment on those( or even read them)…unless it is something to my interest.

    For one thing, if one has a post on a regular basis, people will come regularly. If I find that a bog has not been updated for a while. I would just stop going…and will not be aware if it has been brought back to life. May stumble upon it again after a long time…and hey! So many posts already! Not bothered to read, just read the most recent one and comment if it is of interest.

    I cannot understand who some bloggers post a series of posts in a day (and none are worth reading). Is it because if 1 gets a comment, 10 posts would mean 10 comments? Some people sure are desperate for comments and visits, it seems…. Hmmm…maybe I should write a post along this line too.

    • Cleffairy says:

      I can’t do like u… or Kat… not discipline enough and gets distracted easily…. lazy la. Sometimes, I feel bored too if one’s blog post have a series of posts in a day… even if the things are not related to each other. I dunno why I feel that way… so sometimes, i dun even comment in people’s blog.

      I’m the kind who do things according to mood… if I have the mood, I’ll write a blog post or two… or review some books… if I dun have the mood, I’ll just let it be and dun care about it. >.< No discipline kinda person... 😛

  2. claire says:

    I am a daily blogger..if one day i dont blog, i feel empty.. but i dont schedule my posts, unless…unless, i m not free the next day, i will prepare it the day before.. call me bloggermaniac, i guess i m one.. like you mentioned above, i blog hop too, especially to all my regulars in my bloglist, those who update their blogs daily.. keep in touch ma.. otherwise what is the purpose of having a blogroll?
    Anyway, i think it depends on individual..no right and wrong on this matter.. it is up to one’s liking.. and addiction…hehehe..

    • Cleffairy says:

      Oh… ur addicted to blogging la, Claire? One day no blog feel not puas? LOL… I used to feel that way, but not anymore… nowadays I feel very lazy to even blog. >.< and I visit ppl oso ikut my mood. No mood, i wun even leave comment in ppl's blog. So.... damn lazy. Nid a good spanking!

    • Cleffairy says:

      I know, you’re same like me wan… got mood onli blog… wakakaka… we’re a bunch of lazy bums! I know Kat, Claire and Cikgu blogged daily… I can never be like them… too lazy!

  3. Alice Law says:

    I used too be a discipline blogger, Every Mon, wed and Fri I’ll make sure 1 post up. But not now… off late I don’t feel like sharing much abt my kids liao, I reckon more privacy for the kids is better… hrm.

  4. AngeLBeaR says:

    will blog if I feel like it. sometimes will put scheduled blogs…or else none at all…so malas of me… =.=|| like now, wanted to blog my abt few things including my hair…trying to get the rajin-ness first LOL

  5. Cheeyee says:

    U know my answer already…. Hehehe.

    Btw what happen to ur blog layout when read from phone? The snowman images are all over the background make it sooo difficult to read ur post!

  6. smallkucing says:

    I also cannot write a few articles in a day. You know my english la….given back to cikgu one. Moreover sometimes no ilham to write. When got ilham then will schedule a batch of post lo

    • Cleffairy says:

      You’re better than me… at least you are discipline enuff to sit and schedule up a few posts when you feel inspired… I wun even do that, unless you know…I need to clear some book reviews… too lazy. >.< My laziness knows no bound.

  7. Bananazஇ says:

    Bananaz certainly can’t put up a post on a daily basis, I salute STP. Most of the time would depend on inspiration and ideas and research to be kept in KIV folder hopefully to post at least three per month Agree with you cant do it half heartedly or in a rush coz of handicap in my half past six English and zero Chinese solely depending fully on MDBG dictionary and guidance from Mango.

  8. Bananazஇ says:

    Bananaz certainly can’t put up a post on a daily basis, I salute STP. Most of the time would depend on inspiration and ideas and research to be kept in KIV folder hopefully to post at least three per month Agree with you cant do it half heartedly or in a rush coz of handicap in my half past six English and zero Chinese solely depending fully on MDBG dictionary and guidance from Mango.

  9. junsern says:

    well, im just like u… blogging is something where when you have it you have it. Like you, I want to be bounded by the keep it consistent routine. if I want to do that I might as well just write one line per day or post one pic per day… wait… that is how some ppl do it! haha

    so yea, i dont want to and I dont have to write constantly…

    • Cleffairy says:

      Yea… I’m aware that some people just post up pics and write some lines in it… but I dun really like to do that. I write according to the mood… if I feel like writing, I will write, else, I’ll just leave the blog dead. >.< bad of me, huh?

  10. ladyviral says:

    I am like you haha!

    I can’t just randomly blog about anything else. Or even do it daily. I usually try to take some break in between, then blog. But of course that also provided if I got things to blog about.

    But yes mostly, laziness just takes over too haha!

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