30 Days Blog Challenge: Day 1- 5 Things About Me

This 30 days blogging challenge from Kelab Blogger Ben Ashaari is originally in Bahasa Malaysia, but since my blog is written in English, so I had a go ahead to write in English instead. πŸ™‚ this challenge is more or less like NaNoWriMo but instead of writing 1666 words per day for a novel consecutively for 30 days in November, this is a blogging challenge with different titles for you to write with daily. I’m late. It’s day 17 and I just joined in the challenge, but hey, better late than never, no? I’ll catch up in no time. πŸ˜‰

So here goes: Your latest picture and 5 things about you.

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I don’t really put my pics online. So here’s my latest avatar. :p And below is 5 things about me:

1. I’m a novelist. I write romance novels. I started writing fictions since I was 12 years old, and to date, there is 30 online mini novellas under various pseudonym and 5 self published novels.

2. I like savoury food, but I have soft spot for desserts like ice cream.

3. I’m a pleasure loving person. I like doing things that makes myself happy. Retail therapy tops the list. Unfortunately, my bank account does not always agree with me.

4. I’m a bookworm. I love reading. My favourite genre is Romance, Young Adult, Mystery and Fantasy.

5. I’m a Superman fan girl and an anime maniac. πŸ™‚

So there you go, 5 things about me that the public does not really know.

#cabaran30hari #kelabbloggerbenashaari #kbba

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