30 Days Blog Challenge: Day 2- 5 Ways to Win My Heart

I’m quite an easy person to please, but if you ask me what are the 5 ways to win my heart, then there’s this:

1. Buy me ice cream and I’ll be sweet and sugary to you.

2. Be nice to my kid and my family members, and I’ll almost love you back immediately.

3. Be a friend who listen and not judge or criticize.

4. Say positive, encouraging and inspiring things to me and I’ll definitely adore you. I’m a sucker for positive energy. I hate suffocating and judgmental things. I also hate it when people discourage me from doing things that I want to do.

5. Buy me colourful shawls or scarves. Like ice cream, they are one of the ways into my heart.

So there you go, 5 ways to win my heart.

#cabaran30hari #kelabbloggerbenashaari #kbba

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