30 Days Blog Challenge: Day 3- Things That Makes Me Stronger

Day 3. The question is what makes me stronger. Geez, I don’t know. I don’t think I’m a tough person and I’m not always emotionally strong. I have emotional breakdown every now and then but I don’t always express my unhappiness unless I can’t take it anymore and need to let it out.

I guess if you ask me what gives me strength to keep on going is probably just the instinct to live, and nothing more than that. Weird, huh? Some people have something that driven them, make them stronger…but not me. I just….go…and pray hard everyday that God will guide me through.

I have plenty of Kryptonite that weakens me, but not things that make me stronger. I am human. I get hurt. I’m vulnerable. But I still have to go on.

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