Do you personalize your Facebook?

Facebook has implemented Timeline profile for quite some time now. Some love it, some loathe it. Those who are quite conservative, will find the changes are rather annoying as in some ways, the Timeline have quite a messy outlook, but to me, I’m neutral about it. I may take some time to adapt to the changes, but it the end of the day I get along fine with the changes, just like many other things in my life. Things are constantly changing, so you can’t just remain the same and refuse to accept the change. Everyone needs to move forward and adapt to the changes to survive.

Being a person who loves clean and organized layout, I used to think that Facebook Timeline is complicated. But I survived that, and I learned to love the function. Apart from being able to track all my Facebook status updates and pictures easily, I like the fact that I can change my Facebook cover and personalize it. I usually download the Facebook Timeline cover from the net or Foob blog. How about you? Do you personalize your Timeline? If you do, where do you usually get your Facebook Timeline cover to personalize your Facebook account? Please share with me. πŸ˜€



  1. AngeLBeaR says:

    I am quite upset about it at first but now getting used of timeline, no problem already. as you can see, I got mine from my own photo collections …it’s the same as the header for my Twitter. =)

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