How to Choose a Freediving Instructor

How to choose a freediving instructor? Easy. Just choose a cute one and you’re good to go. Really? Just pick a cute one? Yes, yes. Just pick a cute one. I did that and I think I did pretty well.

Okay, that’s a joke, guys. Don’t do that. Don’t. Just don’t. Instead, try to get to know your future instructor well before you sign up for your freediving course, or any diving related courses for that matter. What makes a difference in your learning curve is not the certifying agency or the cheapest freediving package around, but the instructor.

Freediving is a sport that requires alot of training and guidance. You’ll be doing a lot of scary skills for the first time. You would want someone you can trust your life with to be with you during your course.You’ll need someone who can not only be your teacher, but also a buddy who can assure you and guide you well.

If you’re serious about learning to freedive, then you will need someone patient, and someone who can also be a lifelong friend and a mentor instead of someone who will ditch you the moment you’ve completed your course. If you’re anything like me and ended up with a money-making ‘touch&go’  instructors like that, you’ll find it extremely frustrating because you’re stuck there instead of continuing your education and improving your skills.

I have friends who are interested in freediving and they’re always asking me for recommendations for an instructor that offers cheap fees and stuff. They’re always asking me, which agency would be better, AIDA, Molchanovs, PADI, SSI etc.

And I always say the same thing. Don’t look at the fees. Don’t look at the agency. Look at the instructor. Pick an instructor that can be your buddy and your lifelong mentor and someone you’re comfortable with.

An instructor who is right for me doesn’t mean will be right for you. So, do abit of homework first before you commit yourselves to the course. Go with someone who can match your energy.

Say hi to Swen . He’s my freediving instructor whom I also see as a mentor. I kinda struck a lottery with this one. He’s a gem. I go from not really into freediving to loving it to bits.

This entry was posted in Diving.

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