Johnson’s® Celebrates 125th Anniversary with Digital Contest

Heyya mummies and daddies. I have wonderful news for you. Malaysia’s No. 1 baby skincare brand, Johnson’s ® turns 125 this year and to mark this special occasion, Johnson’s ® is calling Malaysian consumers to share its joy by joining theJohnson’s ® 125 Years contest and stand a chance to win a limited edition vintage tin box with
products and customised print of consumer’s name on it.


Johnson’s Baby is giving out a total of 1,000 units of limited edition vintage tin box with your name, or your baby’s name on it.


To participate, simply snap a photo of your favourite moments with Johnson’s ® products, write a shortcaption describing that moment with the hashtag #Johnsons125years, and upload it on your social media page, Facebook. Each week for 8 consecutive weeks, 125 winners with the best posts will be selected and awarded. Pretty cool, right?

What’s your favourite moment with Johnson’s ® ? Upload photos and captions of it with the hashtag
#Johnsons125years today. For more information about the contest, visit Johnson’s ® Malaysia Facebook page @JohnsonsbabyMY.

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