Looking for A Data Plan for Your Smartphone?

Looking for the lowest commitment fee of Postpaid Plan? That can be quite troublesome if you are quite on a budget. I’ve been making comparison so that I can stretch my ringgit. Check out the offers that major telcos in Malaysia is having.

Maxis One Plan : https://new.maxis.com.my/en/personal/plans/postpaid-plans/maxisone.html

DiGi Smartplan : https://new.digi.com.my/Page/plan/default/postpaid_smartplan_overview

Celcom One Plan : https://www.celcom.com.my/personal/promotion/one-plan?pid=1360826467841&gclid=Cj0KEQjwx4yfBRCt2rrAs-P5vtkBEiQAOdFXbbBLHnq3ZBCmuc-f3uniigPIx4V3yzn6tI1OJwUxPFAaAoYt8P8HAQ

Tunetalks : https://www.tunetalk.com/my/PlanRates/dataPlan

Basically, all these plans are offering data, which is very important to smartphone users like me, however,

they are still quite costly to me.

I’m currently using a very basic data plan from u-mobile, UMI 18, which offers unlimited internet for just rm18 per month. I have been subscribing it for almost 3 years and so far the service is satisfactory, and the 3G speed it is even enough for tethering with a few devices. The only disadvantage to using u-mobile 3G is that the reception is not particularly strong in rural area. So if you are always in the city, go ahead and subscribe this one. If not, do consider other telcos as stated in the link above.


  1. Ciana says:

    I’ve always thought that the data plans are cheaper for the subscribers who need constant access to the Internet. I do use mobile data (when the situation requires me to), but it’s the pay-per-use type.

    In the meantime, thank you for letting us know about the various data plans. =)

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