Penang Local Info & Market Trends

I’ve been doing some thinking lately. Well…that’s an understatement. I’ve been doing ALOT of thinking lately. About what you ask me? Well, about a lot of things. My life is simply not the same anymore and I doubt it will be the same from this point forward. Call me crazy…or having a mid-life crisis, but I’ve been giving a lot of thoughts on where I should be and what I should be doing 5 years from now. To be honest, I don’t really like who I am right now. If I were to tell my younger-self how I turned out as an adult, I would definitely have been severely disappointed with myself. I don’t like what I see in the mirror. I did not achieve enough, both personally and financially.

I don’t intend to remain the same though, and I want to fix my life a little bit. I may not be able to do much about personal achievements, but I know that I can at least do something about my financial situation.

There’s a saying that goes ‘ Jack of all trade, but master of none’. It is a figure of speech used in reference to a person that is competent with many skills, but is not necessarily outstanding in any particular one. My husband’s acquaintance once snickered at me and hurled this to me when I said that one should not just concentrate on one skills, and earn based only on on what he is good at, but must be more open to all sort of opportunities. Apparently, this person thinks that it’s best that one just concentrate on what they are good at instead of learning new things. I don’t share the same sentiment, and I never would, because to me, it is good if you can create diversity when it comes to making more money and investing for the future. To me, just having a job that pays for your bills is not good enough. It will get you nowhere.

And so, I decided to learn from the best out there and surround myself with people who are not only positive, but supportive as well. I find it much more pleasant to surround myself with such people, as they are not stingy when it comes to sharing knowledge on how to earn more.

A blogger friend of mine, Mr. E, is a property investor. He taught me abit on property investment, and knowing that I’m interested in investing my future away from the bustling and stressful city, he helped me to spot some potential property location that will give high return of investment rate. According to him, Penang is a good place to invest in. Penang property info that he got me is pretty much comprehensive, inclusive of Penang local info market trends. I was really impressed with the research that he did, and to be honest, seeing his research really made me feel like investing in some properties in Penang. I can just imagine living in Penang in a few years time even. It’s pretty much a developed state with clean and productive government.

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I was really impressed, and when asked where he get all the local infos and property market trend in Penang, my friend told me that he got it from Propwall. I hopped over and checked it out, and indeed, it’s a very useful website for property buyers, sellers and investors. Propwall is basically a Malaysian accommodation website that it’s a one-stop place for property listings.It’s definitely useful for those who are looking for properties to buy or for those who wants to sell off his or her properties.(Yes, and for those who are looking for a place to rent too)

All you need to do is register and login to the site and you’ll soon not only be able to search for properties that you wanted, but you can also put up your own properties for sale for others to search if you have properties to sell off.The site is pretty much clean and easy to navigate.

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The website also provide insight and opinion on what you should and shouldn’t be investing if you want a great returns.

If you’re like me, tired of just working your head off daily just to be able to pay your bills, then perhaps you should hop over to Propwall and consider doing some property investment. Who knows, you’ll hit the real estate jackpot and be much richer than you are now. 😀

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