Surviving the Sub-zero Challenge at Snow World, Resorts World Genting

Photo credit to: Penaberkala & Marvin

2019 has been quite an emotional roller coaster ride. Plenty of overwhelming things happened to me and at some point, I didn’t feel that I could actually regulate my emotions anymore. But I knew that there’s no point in dwelling on things. Life is about learning to let go and taking everything with a pinch of salt and living to the fullest, isn’t it?


Musings aside, I did plenty of crazy things to push my limit this year. And here’s another crazy and thrilling thing I did this year: Taking up the Sub-zero Challenge hosted by Resorts World Genting at Snow World and survived to tell the story.


Snow World is a family friendly attraction in Resorts World Genting that offers a subzero environment, complete with life-like snowfalls, changing day-to-night sceneries, warm igloo houses, and relics of ancient Roman castles. It’s really a must visit attraction in Resorts World Genting if you’d like to experience how it’s like to be in subzero weather.


Anyway, as I said earlier, I took up the Sub-zero Challenge organized for influencers by Resorts World Genting. It’s a challenge where you need to stay at Snow World with minimal clothings for as long as you can. In all honesty, I wasn’t really confident at first when I said yes to the challenge.


The temperature in Snow World is terribly low for me to endure for long hours and we were not allowed to use any heating items as well or enter confined places like the igloo and whatnot during the challenge.

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And you know what’s more challenging?During the challenge, participants were only allowed one layer of clothing with a pair gloves and jacket provided. Imagine that!

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My smartphone thermometer recorded a -9 degree celcius and an occasional -10 degree celcius throughout the duration of the challenge and to say I feel cold was an understatement. It was as if I was slowly being turned into icicle and it was really a huge endurance test for me. The last time I visited Snow World two years ago, I could barely stay in there for even 10 mins and it was just -5 degree celcius back then.

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This time around, I survived staying in Snow World for 3 hours and 5 mins straight with jacket and gloves off at some points during the challenge too, thanks to constant encouragement by other participants.

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I didn’t win top place. The record was 3 hours 50 mins. But still, I managed to get consolation prize for my effort, which is good enough, considering how I thought I wouldn’t even survived 15 mins in there in the beginning. It really feels as if you’re locked in the freezer with ice in your shoes. Thinking back, it’s really insane!


Yours truly during prize giving. Yes. I was smiling from ear to ear not because of the prize, but because I managed to challenge myself to stay in a freezing cold place for 3 hours straight.


Frostbites aside, it’s really a wonderful experience and worth it in the end. We really had fun dancing, singing and simply being nuts while trying to kill time in there and if you’re to ask me to attempt this challenge again, I’d say yes to it in a heartbeat.

Special thanks to Penaberkala for your constant encouragements and positive energy. “Don’t give up! You can do it!”, you have no idea how these words gave me faith and kept me going til the end . And not forgetting our photographer Mr. Marvin Michael Kho for reminding me to keep myself warm and ushering me to the heater when I was finally stepped out of Snow World. Being around positive people does make a lot of difference to my confidence.

Would like to experience a sub-zero environment in Snow World? Or simply want to take some instaworthy pictures with your loved ones? Well, hop over to for more information on Snow World’s ticket price and operation hours.

Disclaimer: The Influencers’ Sub-zero Challenge at Snow World was organized by Resorts World Genting and all participants were fit to parcipate. Safety measures were stricly taken by organizers prior to the challenge and so, please do not attempt the challenge on your own.

Ps: Check out Dato’ Kee Hua Chee’s post HERE on this challenge if you’d like to see the funny side of the challenge. I’d have to apologize for the lack of pictures this round. I dropped my phone prior to drafting this posting and as a result, most of the pictures and videos taken during the challenge has gone to picture and video heaven.

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