Tedmi Malaysia Fun Retreat: Mangrove Forest Exploration

My husband is so sexy when he is all slick and wet. :p Even more so when he pulled me into his embrace when we are both slick and wet. Okay. Sorry for the erotic description. I didn’t mean to send your head running to the gutter and beyond. 😛 I was feeling a bit naughty when I’m writing this post. My sincerest apology. I can’t help myself when I reminisce about our trip with Tedmi Malaysia at Wave Rest House & Cafe last week. :p

My husband and I, we enjoy getting wet together. I mean, bathing and showering together in the comfort of our own home, or hotel rooms for that matter whichever applicable, but we don’t usually do such things in public. During our trip with Tedmi Malaysia, we did, though. We got down, wet, and dirty in front of everyone else.

Okay, okay. I’ll stop the innuendoes. What I really want to share with you is part of the planned activities by Wave Rest House&Cafe, which is the mangrove forest exploration tour.

As mentioned, mangrove forest exploration is part of the planned activities that’s included in the iterinery, but it was raining and the owner of the rest house suggested us to chill instead. Unfortunately for the owner, we’re all adventurous lot, even the children, and we got bored hanging around with nothing to do after our craft making session and insists on exploring even when it’s raining. Our request was complied.

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And so, we pick out boots to wear at the mangrove forest.

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Choosing boots was a bit tricky. Most of it was either too big or too small, so if you have your own boots, please bring along should you come to stay over at Wave Rest House & Cafe and wants to go for the exploration.

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So here’s a candid photo of us, getting ready to get wet and dirty. :p

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Jane and her children, ready to explore.

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The entrance to the mangrove forest. It was just about 15 minutes walk away from our rest house.

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Making a beeline to the mangrove forest.

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It’s dark, scary and mysterious.

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The founder of Tedmi, Andrew Lim, posing and beckoning us towards him.

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It was indeed scary, but we were given a mission to find a few types of snails in the mangrove forest. The mangrove forest is their natural habitat and they could easily be found scattered around in the mangrove forest, so hand in hand, my husband, my son and I braved through muddy and slippery ground together. This is a first for us but we’re determined to accomplish the mission given.

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Walking in the mangrove forest while it was raining is practically like walking in the quicksand, where you can easily get stuck in the mud and slowly sink inside the soft ground. Thinking back, it’s pretty scary, with rain pouring heavily and the vision was somewhat clouded.

Here’s a video of all of us, trying to walk in the mangrove forest.

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It takes a lot of assurance, motivation and teamwork to explore the forest during bad weather the way we did.

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Scary and uncomfortable as it is, it doesn’t diminish our spirit or deter us from trying to find those elusive snails.

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Young or old, everyone gave their all, without a single complain.

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Meticulously looking for the snails.

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And I could proudly say that these is what we managed to find. Quite a lot, don’t you think?

Jane and her children, singing, as they celebrated finding one more snail before throwing it into their container.

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It was getting really dark after about one hour in the mangrove forest, so we wrapped it up and headed back to Wave Rest House&Cafe to get ourselves cleaned up.

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I know I shouldn’t be saying this but everyone, me included, looks pretty much like ducks trying to walk in our soaking wet boots. :p The fun didn’t end there, though. When we reached the rest house, my husband and I decided to shower outdoor with the Tedmi Team.

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Getting all cleaned up, together.

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And then, after awhile, someone decided go be a tad naughty and things started to get very interesting. :p

The video says it all. :p

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One for the album. That is my husband and I. Picture taken during our outdoor showering. 😉 Blurred on purpose to protect our innocence. :p

Pictures was taken with Nikon Coolpix S33; waterproof and shockproof.

To experience all these and get away from the superficial world for awhile to explore the nature, you can hop over to Wave Rest House& Cafe. Their package starts from RM139 for adults and RM69 for kids on weekdays and from RM169 for adults and RM69 for kids on weekend and public holidays, inclusive of meals and planned activities. There are 9 available rooms and the entire rest house can cater up to 30 pax. The place is about 60km away from Kuala Lumpur. You may drive there using Waze: https://waze.to/lr/hw28413e6s.

Packages includes accommodation, seafood dinner, breakfast, bicycle riding to the beach, mangrove forest exploration tour, craft making and bird watching at the sea.

Details of the homestay is as below:

海•浪滔滔民宿(Wave Rest House & Cafe) 
Facebook: facebook.com/wavehomestay
Jalan Bagan Sungai Janggut, Batu 15, Jeram,
45800 Kampong Sungai Janggut,


  1. Miera Nadhirah says:

    Of sexy hubbies and mangrove…. surely he will also swat away all the pests that bothers his lovely queen…. hehehehe…. but yes, that was an interesting trip you shared through the mangrove… I haven’t a chance to go to one… LOL

  2. Aliza Sara says:

    Looks like you had a lot of fun! haha. and thats a lot of snails. i might end up worrying about these snails climbing onto me instead. hehe

  3. Pooja Kawatra says:

    It looks like a great fun time concept with everyone involved and definitely spending some quality time together. These mangroves looks really messy.

  4. Hanniz says:

    It’s great that you expose your kids to the great outdoors rather than have them get bored and entertained by screens. Kudos to you! Looks like lots of fun though getting muddy is not so much my idea of fun! Eh why all the other faces can see clearly but yours and hubby’s blurred out. Naughty girl ;p

  5. Isaac Tan says:

    lol! blurred to protect your innocence? nice one… 😛

    outdoor activities like these, i’ve always thought of doing, but the couch potato in me rather sit at home and stare at the walls.. sigh

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