Here’s wishing all Over A Cuppa Tea readers a happy new year. Hopefully 2009 will be more interesting and prosperous than the yesteryears. Let’s just hope, but in the meantime, let’s try to recession proof ourselves in every way possible as the global economy is looking as bleak as ever.
Cleffairy: Life is like a spinning wheel, sometimes you’re on top sometimes you’re at the bottom, so always be prepared for the worst, you’ll never know when you’ll be at the bottom.
ps: The picture is from my beloved Aunt Iris. She sent me the greetings last night. Yours truly is too lazy to search for her own greetings, because the Internet is so damn slow! Bloody hell TMNet, what year issit now? Improvise already! Why the hell is your broadband speed is like the bloody 56k?
Happy New Year sis!!!
happy new year. i am sorry with lack of bombarding of comments.
but hey, i am here right now. and it’s all that important moment that i remember to wish u a great and blast of years ahead..
Happy New Year darling!
Happy New Year darling!
Happy New Year darling!
Happy New Year darling!
Goodbye 2008, welcome 2009!
Hope everything will turn out fine.
Hope we’ll have more money to spend
and more time with friends
Hope prices will come down,
so we can smile and not frown.
Hope you will visit my blog every day
and see what this old cikgu has to say
Hope you will have blue skies and everything nice,
and lots of food…sugar and spice!
Happy New Year!
Xing nien kuai le jie~
Hey sis, Happy New Year 2009!
Okay you’re gonner hate me for being all-cheesy but…
May the dawning of the new year bring u happiness (but don’t lose the grinch-esque, cuz Christmas without your grinch-esque ain’t fun, I’m serious), prosperity (extra $$$ never hurt anyone *chuckles*), and continued success in work, relationships and everything in between, hehehe.
*Hargs!* =)
streamyx slow go complain MCMC la. then you get free connection like me for half year. hahaha.
happysad new yearArc, happy new year bro… lol…
Rose… omg, you’re back? Been busy? Miss you so much, girl…will be waiting for your updates…
Anyway, happy new year to you too, Rose…keep in touch, k?
Zara, happy new year and happy birthday to you, sweetie…
Cikgu… ahahaha… let’s hope the lembu boost up the stock market la,Cikgu… den we can laugh all the way to the bank. Happy new year to you, your old lady and your nu er…
Seng… gong xi fa cai…lmao… aiyo, silap… happy new yaaaahhhh my favourite didi…
Kellaw, complain to MCMC no use… my husband in IT solution biz also complain to them and TMnet countless times for our clients oso no use… really bodoh those asshole over there… happy new year… neway, I just notice that you’re only younger than me by one year… lol…ur born in the year of cow kah, 1985? LOL.
and last but not least…
PAULINE…… omg, omg! LOL… you’re here, wishing me a happy new yaaa…. lol… *hugs* aiyo, miss you heaps la…I sent you sms last night and moments ago, dunno you receive it or not,the network seems so busy la…
Hmm… here’s my lil speech… “Happy new yearrrrrr….may your new year will be less hellish than the previous years, and may this year bring you more love, joy, and loads of $$$ in your savings so that you can splurge to your heart content… lol… and Pauline…Happy Birthday to you, ahahaha, now you’re one year older than me… omg, it seems like just yesterday we’re 21 and have the rights to vote… *whine* old deeeee… :-P” Do keep in touch often aarrrrr…. dun be like Dhurga and Janice… those two really tak guna wan! *snort*
ps: Send my regards to your mom… I miss her macaroni and chocolate cake… o.O Every time Xmas, I never failed to think bout her macaronis and choco cake and cheesecake… LOL…damn…thinking about her alone can make me run all the way to Secret Recipe and get the whole cake…
lol. why does everyone assume the 1985 in my email is my year of birth one. Hahaha. not going to tell you how old I am. You have to guess lol.
And it works when you stop paying your bills. at least mine worked. I send them a long long email screwing TM real hard for their “best effort” service.