Why do I blog…

I promised Eugene to answer this, so here goes…

1)How did you start blogging, what was your one driving factor?

I did not start blogging because I want to blog, but because I wanted to leave comment in Marina Mahathir’s blog and Tun Dr. Mahathir’s blog. I need an identity in order to comment in their blog. As time goes by, I feel that my comments can be made into a blog entry, so, I start my journey as a blogger from there.

2)What was your happiest blogging experience?

My happiest blogging experience is being able to deliver my articles, and get people to respond and be closer to me.

3)What was your most frustrating blogging experience?

I think none. I think my life in general is more frustrating than blogging. Blogging is emotionally rewarding to me.

4)Have you made any good friends out of your blogging friends who were previously not your friends?

Yes, definitely.

5)What was the rudest comment you ever received?

I wrote a lot of articles that can be considered controversial and not many agrees with my opinion. I don’t remember what was the rudest comment I’ve ever received. There’s plenty, and I lost count.

6)Have you thought of giving up blogging?

No. Because if I do that, I’ll loose the chance to connect with good people out there who comes to care for me because of my writing.

7)Do you consider yourself a blog junkie?

I suppose so.

8)What is just one thing pleasant you wish could happen to your blog?

Earn money from it.

9)If i say blogging is more about passion rather than commission($$$$),do you agree?

Of course I agree. I don’t earn from my blog. I blog about things because I feel like it, and I like it.

10)Please reconmmend to us 2 bloggers’ blog which you feel that we should not miss..

I can’t. Because I think you should not miss all…

Cleffairy: Blogging is my personal cuppa tea…


  1. zara says:

    Me and myself don’t earn much from blogging as well, but I always considered it is my passion. even, the person who interviewed me last 2 weeks talked about blog. well, he make a right decision because he ask the right person. LOL!

  2. dolly says:

    hi.. hopping over from eugene’s blog.. because i am curious on what ppl write.. XD

    A long time ago, u sent full sets of Twilight e-book for my friends. Thank u very much.. ^_^
    Actually, i’ve been your blog before from kennysai there.. >.<

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