Beautiful Island Escapade: A Visit To The Spice Garden, Berjaya Tioman Resort

Another must visit attraction in Berjaya Tioman Resort is its beautiful Spice Garden. The Spice Garden is beautiful garden that is a home to plenty of edible herbs and spices. I had the privilege to visit this place during my Tioman Island Clean Up Day 2016, so here’s sharing some pictures taken over there.

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The entrance to the Spice Garden at Berjaya Tioman Resort.

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Man-made fish pond spotted

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Fishes spotted swimming in the pond

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A gazebo for you to chillax at

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Red Ginger plants (Halia). Ginger originated in the tropical rainforest in Southern Asia. Although ginger no longer grows wild, it is thought to have originated on the Indian subcontinent.
These red gingers are widely used as a spice or a folk medicine.

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Cat’s Whiskers Plant (Pokok Misai Kucing). Cat’s Whiskers is a herbal plant with flowers that have protruding hairs that resemble the whiskers of a cat. This herbal plant can be seen growing mostly in Southeast Asian countries like China, Thailand, Taiwan and the Philippines. Generally used in tea to reduce high blood pressure and diabetes.

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Mariposa Christia vespertilionis  or the Red Butterfly Wing is a rare tropical plant from Southeast Asia with leaves resembling butterflies in flight. It is said that this plant is used in alternative cancer treatments.

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Bile Earth. The Malays call it Hempedu Bumi (Bile of the Earth)/Pokok Cerita (Plant of Tales) while other locals call it the antibiotic plant. This is a medicinal plant that grows in India, China and South East Asia. It is one of the ingredients used in traditional herbal formulations for antibiotics.

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Long Jack or Tongkat Ali is is famous for being a plant that ia used as aphrodisiacs for men. It also helps to improves blood circulation and stamina.

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Betel Leaves or Sireh. The betel is the leaf of a vine belonging to the Piperaceae family, which includes pepper and kava. Betel leaf is mostly consumed in Asia, and elsewhere in the world by some Asian emigrants, as betel quid or in paan, with Areca nut and/or tobacco.

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Sabah Snake Grass or Belalai Gajah. Sabah Snake Grass is some sort of herb grown usually in tropical weather countries, like Malaysia and Thailand. This natural herb that is part of acanthaceae family has a scientific name Clinacanthus nuthans. It is said that this plant has anti cancer properties.

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Curry Leaves plant. The curry tree is a tropical to sub-tropical tree in the family Rutaceae, which is native to India and Sri Lanka. Its leaves are used in many dishes in India, Sri Lanka, and neighbouring countries.

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Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. It grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses.Thanks to its phytochemical content, aloe is considered antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal.

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Basil, also known as great basil or Saint-Joseph’s-wort, is a culinary herb of the family Lamiaceae. It is also called the “king of herbs” and the “royal herb”

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Pegaga ia a specific Asian tropical plants have been used for centuries as blood cleansing herbs and detox agent.

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Sweet potato plants. You probably have eaten some sweet potatoes. Well, here’s how it’s plants looks like.

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Cekur Manis or sweet leaf, is a shrub grown in some tropical regions as a leaf vegetable.

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Mints, generally used in cooking as flavourings or in herbal teas.

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Black pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. When dried, the fruit is known as a peppercorn. Black pepper is native to south India and is extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in tropical regions.

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God’s Crown or Mahkota Dewa is a dense evergreen tree, indigenous to Indonesia and Malaysia. It is found in tropical areas of New Guinea up to 1,200 meters above sea level. The stem and shells of seeds have been used to treat various cancers, lung, live and heart diseases while the leaves contain compounds that can treat impotence, blood diseases, allergies, diabetes mellitus and tumors.

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After our little stroll in the Spice Garden, we were taken to a little tea session where we were served with interesting concoction with ingredients freshly plucked from the garden.

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Freshly squeezed lemonade with mints

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Lemongrass and lime juice

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And last but not least, Rose Tea with Honey.

The short visit to the Spice Garden was very interesting, and if you wish to learn more about edible plants while you are in Tioman, this is the place that you should visit.

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