Look Flawlessly Beautiful with EPHYRA in Just 14 Days

Have you heard about EPHYRA? I’ve heard about it in quite a lot of places and from quite a lot of people these days.

So what is EPHYRA?

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Ephyra is a collagen-based antioxidant drink, the most delicious, in the form of sachets made from natural ingredients (L-Glutathione, Astaxanthin, Acai Berry, AcerollaCeri, Marigold Flower Extract, Gum Acacia, Superberi & Tomato powder) that treat, renew and further enhances inner and outer health.

Have I got you curious yet? Well, stay with me, dear readers and let’s see what EPHYRA can do. :D.

There are loads of collagen products out there, but EPHYRA has gained a place in the hearts of thousands of loyal users. So why EPHYRA is different from the others in the market? Well, for one, EPHYRA uses marine collagen from “white fish” which live in the deep sea. Reason being: deep-sea fish are free of contamination. EPHYRA uses hydrolyzed collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen consists of the smallest fraction of amino acids, which are easily absorbed by the body.

EPHYRA contains absorbable collagen. This is very important. Do you know why loads of people people takes collagen, but couldn’t really see the result? High collagen molecule density is the reason. The body can’t absorb it easily. A brand’s collagen is measured in DALTON (Da). It’s not about how many mg of collagen there is in the content, but how small the protein is. The more rapidly absorbed, the sooner see the effects of body. Important fact: The density of EPHYRA collagen = less than 1500Dalton. EPHYRA collagen size = less than 1500 Dalton and therefore very easily absorbed by the body . That’s why those who are drinking EPHYRA can see the effects as early as 7 days unlike most collagen in the market where one needs 3-4 boxes of collagen to see the effect.

EPHYRA collagen content is sufficient for the body .The human body does not require a large amount of collagen, but only needs small amount of it. (Do note that exessive amount of collagen can be damaging to the kidney in the long run. :()

EPHYRA is a skin supplement , (a beauty drink ), but not the only the skin that will be able to benefit from it . There are other benefits besides bright and elastic skin . Among them are:

✔ Energy booster

✔ Less hair loss. ~ Strengthen hair roots , and encourages new hair growth.

✔ Weight control.

✔ Shiny and healthy nails.

✔ Cracked heel decreases. ~ No more dry and cracked heels.

✔ Dark circles under the eyes is reduced and more even skin tone.

✔ Reduce inflammation & joint pain as well as knee pain.

EPHYRA is proven to be effective as early as 7-14 days.

You can see the testimonial pictures below:

Can you see the vast difference?

Looks impressive, isn’t it? Why, even a famous Malay artist is using EPHYRA too. 😀

Isn’t she lovely? I think she looks divine here. 😀

And then there’s Youtube sharing EPHYRA users :

There is more testimonial video by genuine EPHYRA users HERE

Some collagen drink taste really nasty, but EPHYRA tasted delicious admittedly by thousands of EPHYRA users.

Testimonial video EPHYRA :

EPHYRA is certified HALAL by JAKIM & safe for consumption by MOH. You can see the certificate below .

There are many collagen products out there that claims to be safe & clean , but surprisingly when we checked them out with MOH & JAKIM, it is not. It is important to choose a product that will not be harmful to your body.

As a mother of one and nearing my 30s, I realized how important it is to take care of my appearance as stress and hectic lifestyle has taken toll on my body. And much to my annoyance, there’s signs of premature ageing on my face. And guess what? I decided to give this collagen drink and try.

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I’ve picked up a box of this to try out. 😀

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I was a little apprehensive to drink it at first, but when I mixed it up in the shaker provided, I could immediately smell the citrusy smell, and when I took a sip, the taste was surprisingly good for a collagen drink! It’s awesome, EPHYRA tasted just like your regular orange juice and by the time I finished the last drop, I immediately wished that there was more. I have a very positive feeling about this. 😀 It not only smell good, but taste good as well. WOW! I really did not expect that, cuz usually collagen drinks taste rather…ummm…unappetizing!

Skeptical if it is good as claimed? Since I will be trying it out myself, do so stay tune for my 14 days testimonial updates and audio commentary diary in the next postings. 😀

In the meantime, if you’re interested to know more about this product, do visit www.oceanlife2u.com and LIKE their Facebook page www.facebook.com/oceanlife2u for current offers and updates. Instagram users can also follow their instagram account at: http://cleffairy.com/hookup-vancouver-bc/

Interested to make purchases and try it out for yourself and be a more beautiful and radiant version of yourself in just 14 days? Here’s the details for purchasing purposes:
Email: http://cleffairy.com/popular-dating-sites/
Contact: 0341417889atau sms 019 3999 238
Price: RM197 per box of 30 sachets – 15 gram each for a month supply .
And oh, I forgot to mention that there promotional discount for readers of this blog. 😀 They’re selling 2 boxes for RM380. Just email them my blog name ‘CLEFFAIRY.COM‘ to make use of this offer. 😀

Sounds good? Wait, there’s more! If you ever buy EPHYRA, you stand to win a dinner date with celebrity Memey Suhaiza and her husband Norman Hakim.

All you need to do is just is take a photo of yourself with an EPHYRA box, share it in in your Facebook and Instagram account and use the hashtag #ephyramemeysuhaiza and tag @ephyra2u to be in the running for the dinner date with the renown Malaysian artist. 😀 Contest period is from 3rd September-30th September 2013 and winner will be announced on 3rd October 2013.


Cleffairy: Sometimes, women needs supplementary help to be beautiful.


  1. angel_troll says:

    Taste great? Usually collagen drinks tasted awful. I’ve tried some, and I couldn’t stomach the taste. Are there any trial packs available for us to try before we buy? I’m interested.

    • Cleffairy says:

      Yes, absolutely good! It tasted like orange juice! 😀 Hmm, I’m not sure if there’s any trial packs available, but you can try contacting them at [email protected] and mention my name or blog name. 😀 Maybe they will give you a trial pack to try. There’s discounted price if you mention me/my blog.

  2. Lumira says:

    Sis, i pun tengah cari collagen drink nak minum. Yang ni nampak macam bagus. Kesan dia macam mana? Dan nak tanya sikit, bolehletak ais tak bila bancuh? I suka minum sejuk.

    • Cleffairy says:

      Hi Lumira, thank you for dropping by. 😀 Lama tak jumpa. Rindu betul kat u. Collagen drink ni memang bagus. lain dari yang lain. Rasa dia macam orange juice. Sedap. Boleh…boleh letak ais. Tak boleh bancuh guna air panas je, sebab benda ni kaya dengan vitamin. Tak boleh bancuh dengan air panas sebab akan hilang zat zat dia.

  3. bigfatmama says:

    Wow! Wow, looks great! Would love to get a box and try! Any trial packs? But I’m concerned. Any side effects? I’m abit worried about drinking these collagen juices….sometimes there are nasty side effects that you won’t know!

    • Cleffairy says:

      I’m not sure if there’s any trial packs available, but you can try contacting them at [email protected] and mention my name or blog name. 😀 Maybe they will give you a trial pack to try.

      As for your question regarding side effects, don’t worry about it. I’ve been drinking it, and so far, so good. No bad side effects. 😀

  4. marliana says:

    Sy adelah authorized dealer dr ephyra.
    Sy tgh buat promosi ephyra dr 25-30 sept 2013.
    Klu nak tau best price for ephyra yg kompem rendah dr market boleh whatsapp/sms sy 0109828056 atau follow sy di instagram anamarliana

  5. izza says:


    being an authorised EPHYRA dealer, im so excited to share with you the product that has giving wonders to most of the ladies out there.

    FYI, im selling EPHYRA at a very good deal! (below market price for sure!)

    let me know if you are interested 🙂

    spread the love!

    Izza (EPHYRA Authorised Dealer)
    [email protected]

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